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Type3 body problems


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  • 2 weeks later...
You aren't really giving a lot of information to work on but if i had to guess I'd say you either didn't install it properly or (and this is without checking so don't quote me on it) the mod may need you to do the whole "archiveinstallation" thing. I'm not entirely sure what exactly the archiveinstallation doe but i do know it's needed for some things relating to textures.
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I have installed the B.O.G. mod, but when i start my game nothing has changed and any time i try to put a type 3 armor on someone they disappear.


If normal armors are still working then chances are the mod is either installed incorrectly or it's not activated in game. I would also do as fatherestaban said and make sure you have the ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated mod installed and activated, although if the normal armors are working fine then the problem isn't likely to be texture or path related, still the ArchiveInvalidation mod would be required for the Type 3 body mod to work correctly anyway.

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