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Multiplayer / CO-OP


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If a co-op mode of play is possible for the fallout world it isn't going to come in the form of a mod as a pursuit like that is too large for any one person to handle not to mention that I don't think its possible to mod a multi-player option into a 1 player only game. I have wondered the same thing, why has bethesda softworks not made Fallout 3 a multiplayer since its such an awesome idea for an awesome game. Needless to say, if multi-player is going to happen for any of the fallout universe it is going to have to come from the actual developer as either an add on to gameplay or a dlc of some sort. I am in agreement with you that I would LOVE for this game to be co-op but realistically the VATS system that the game uses would have to be completely eliminated from game play. The man that I work for happens to be a professional video game tester so he gets the inside scoop on what is happening in the industry. As far as he knows there is not anything in mind for Fallout Universe to become co-op in any way.



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