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Mystery of the teleporting mines


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So I have a cell with 3 mines in it, and when I added roombounds and portals to the cell they constantly teleport to 0,0,0. It just so happens that this is where the door is when entering the cell, so it always kills the player when entering.


I've tried several things, hovering the mines above the floor slightly. Adding persistent blocking planes underneath them. Repositioning them and using havok to put them on the floor again... nothing is working and it's driving me nuts. Does anyone know why this happens and is there any way to fix it?

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I mean like objects that can fall but there is no static for them to fall on - like if you go to an edge and jump off you end up in the spot you entered the cell.

Actually maybe the mines are falling through the floor when the cell loads and end up in the cell center? Seems odd that adding roombounds and portals would do that. Have you tried coc to the cell in a brand new game? Or flipping the esm bit with a new game?

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There's no 'out of bounds' object that can fall into void space. They seem to fall through the floor when the cell is loaded, that's why I tried to put persistent blocking volumes under them. It's the weirdest thing ever... I might just remove the room bounds on that room. I just tried to coc'd there, they do the same thing and fall through the floor again and then end up in the spot they were originally placed... hows that for weird... silly beth engine you're drunk, go home.

Edited by RoyBatterian
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Seems possible that you are experiencing a variant of my own issues.


I have found that it is fairly common (1 out 10ish) for objects to fall through surfaces, especially through whatever is currently "the floor" per se; which might happen to be a road, a stair step, a sidewalk, a porch, or wood flooring. I chalk it up to crappy collision detection. If you are lucky, the vanished object will actually reappear where it belongs in a moment or two. More often it continues sinking and drops down to the next lowest "layer", or all the way down to the very lowest surface which can surprisingly be *way* down below what is "ground level" to the player character; e.g. central Nipton along the road with the crucified powder gangers. Other times, the physics engine seems to decide that it doesn't really know where the hell something should be, and so places it at the entry point of a cell.


I've experience all of that with EVE when trying to counter the craziness that occurs for (seemingly simple) ash pile placement. It's a nightmare. If you are willing to place the object as something totally immobile, it will stay there ... otherwise it seems to be at the whim of random chance. I can place a pile (via a monitoring script) and it falls through, replace it and it falls through again, place it nicely above the intended surface ... and watch it drop down and fall through. Load the saved game and try again and the object remains perfectly in place, or else shimmies about and then either falls through or remains in place. I've tried altering all kinds of mass and inertia oriented values, but with no success; and the size and weight of the item appear to have little to no influence.


I suspect that your mine issue may be related. As an experiment, create a variant of the standard mine with the .nif file's entry for bhkRigidBody / Mass set to zero (which renders it immobile).

Edited by Athelbras
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It's in AWOP FO3, so I can't use custom resources. Active mines are actually projectiles too. I just removed them, since nothing I do keeps them from teleporting to 0,0,0 and I don't feel like moving the cell contents around and the navmesh. I may try placing some bottlecap mines instead and see if those work.

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