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solution for the useless skill hand to hand


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i don't like hand to hand at all, it do less damage than with a blade, and there's nothing to gain by lvled it (exept STR at low level). I wonder if it can be possible to do a mod that'll change the equation of the blade and blunt's damage based on your domage you do in hand to hand, i mean if hand to hand at lvl master have like 15 power attack (i say a random number cause i don't really know), well that 15 damage is added to the sword. it look like that TESCS don''t have the option to change the blade's damage's equation. what i mean by changing the equation, on UESP wiki, i've see the equation of the blade is

Damage = BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BladeSkill * 0.015 )

for the blunt is

Damage = BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BluntSkill * 0.015 )

and for the hand to hand is

Health_Damage = 1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100)

well let's say that someone that by miracle get the way to change those equation and put this equation in the blade damage:

Damage = (BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BladeSkill * 0.015 )) + (1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100))

and for the blunt

BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BluntSkill * 0.015 ) + (1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100))

so now it'll be usefull at high lvl to rise the hand-to-hand skill and with that, it won't be possible to do less damage by holding a daguer because you're blade skill is lower lvl than the H2H skill.

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i don't like hand to hand at all, it do less damage than with a blade, and there's nothing to gain by lvled it (exept STR at low level). I wonder if it can be possible to do a mod that'll change the equation of the blade and blunt's damage based on your domage you do in hand to hand, i mean if hand to hand at lvl master have like 15 power attack (i say a random number cause i don't really know), well that 15 damage is added to the sword. it look like that TESCS don''t have the option to change the blade's damage's equation. what i mean by changing the equation, on UESP wiki, i've see the equation of the blade is

Damage = BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BladeSkill * 0.015 )

for the blunt is

Damage = BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BluntSkill * 0.015 )

and for the hand to hand is

Health_Damage = 1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100)

well let's say that someone that by miracle get the way to change those equation and put this equation in the blade damage:

Damage = (BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BladeSkill * 0.015 )) + (1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100))

and for the blunt

BaseWeaponDamage * 0.5 * ( 0.75 + Strength * 0.005 ) * ( 0.2 + BluntSkill * 0.015 ) + (1 + 10.5 * (Strength/100) * (HandToHandSkill/100))

so now it'll be usefull at high lvl to rise the hand-to-hand skill and with that, it won't be possible to do less damage by holding a daguer because you're blade skill is lower lvl than the H2H skill.

I believe there's some mods that change it to become more useful.

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