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Mod NPCs won't attack me

Guest deleted10552447

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Guest deleted10552447

Hi. The three relevant mods in question are:



Duel Combat Realism (newest version)

and Combat Evolved.


With these installed normal NPCs, like Legionaries and Bandits, attack me just fine, and are very smart and deadly for sure. However, NPCs added by Lands/Roads/Paths, like Wandering Knights, simply refuse to attack me. I can hit them and cause them to get into combat with me, but they never attack. They occasionally move around, but all they do is block (curiously the Wandering Knights also crouch and block). I can hammer them all day and inflict damage on lighter enemies like Adventurers, but they refuse to attack me. They just mill back and forth and hold up block as soon as they get close to me.


I have a feeling this is due to CE and DCR affecting NPC AI in a way to make them much better in combat, which is great, but it also seems to break the new NPCs that wander Skyrim added by Populated. I've seen them attack other NPCs/Monsters just fine, but only when they fight me do they not attack. They just hold down block and move.


Any idea how to fix this?

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Guest deleted10552447

Just tested it again. The new NPCs won't even attack Bandits or Monsters. They just stand in front of them and hold block.

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