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Living Arcanis Total Conversion (Help Wanted)


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I had an idea for a total conversion mod of skyrim based off of the Living Arcanis D20 campaign setting. The story and lore are amazing and it would be great to play on Skyrim's engine. The problem is that i have no modding experience, but i am a writer so i could help with the story and hunting down the lore. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.





Edited by revanauditore92
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You need to realise that is is MASSIVELY HUGE project and would require a big team and in order to get a team you need to offer something (other than the idea) and have something already done, otherwise i doubt anyone will join.

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I have a deep knowledge and understanding of the lore and access to all the books that this would be made from. I can write quests and storylines and develop characters. All I'm looking for is other people intrested in working together to make this happen. What I don't need is smart ass remarks from ass clowns who like to dump on other people's dreams.

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Well thats actually offensive and disrespectful. I'm pretty sure i wasn't rude when i told you a basic rule of making a "team of modders" sized project, just having an idea is not enough, because if you don't offer modding experience what you are going to get at most is people without modding experience.


You can read this in the sticky of the mod request forum:


In regards to mod teams, if you are thinking about doing a large project and attempting to recruit others to help.


-Do some work beforehand beyond just the idea/concept, people want to see you can actually contribute to a team you are trying to form.

If you just come with an idea and no real preexisting work done the only people you will get wanting to help will just have ideas and no experience to.

-Realize that it is very common for teams that do get off the ground to not go anywhere either, be it differences of opinions and direction to disliking other members.



And i'd add to that having done some actual modding work, many people have ideas, but writing the lore or quests is a small part of such a project.


It's not dumping other people's deams, is showing the reality in which apparently you prefer not live on. Dumping your dream would be "Forget that you'd never make it" which while partially true if you keep going this route of calling people smart ass when they tell you should learn some modding and offer something other than the idea if you want to make it a reality.

But hey you can keep living in your colorful happy world, ass clown.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Why is it that everytime I post on a forum someone is trying to give me a verbal colonoscopy? I posted this idea cause I wanted to work with people how shared an intrest. I know its a huge project. I wasnt going to just have everyone else do the work. I'm not talented at scripting or meshes and textures. My talents are in writing. BTW without the stories and quests the mod would be useless so don't diminsh their role in the project. Its not as simple as just telling someone to "learn modding" that's not helpful. Anyways if there is anyone interested in actually being helpful amd productive to the project let me know
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It's all fair and good to request something absurd but, it also sends more practical ideas into the pit.


If you're a writer you should try developing the lore and then publishing it to the forums. If people actually like it and it picks up some momentum, try proposing a small demo mod. If all goes well ramp up to a full blown TCM.


The chances that you will find an entire team of individuals willing to spend a year of their lives on your unfinished idea, are basically non existent.


So basically if you don't take into account the incredibly improbable, this (your request) is just spam....

Edited by TheNexusLurker
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Mods are not books, they need to be developed, and learning ck isn't that hard and doesn't require much time, everytone tells you to learn modding because if you want this project to become a real mod you'll have a lot more chances of doing so (i'm not saying is imposible to do it, but it's unlikely) if you already have most of the worlspace done, placing buildings, interiors, decorating stuff and other ck stuff. which requires a lot more time doing it than learning it and there are a bunch of tutorials on the matter. Saying i'm not a talented modder but i write is kinda lazy when it doesn't take much time to learn it. So telling you this is actually helpful to the project, but take it however you want.

Plus if your talent is writing the lore and such, do it and show it, more chances someone will like it and decide to join. Atm is a map and some promisses...

Edited by FrankFamily
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Currently I'm working on which races will be playable. You have 8 human nations, the Elorri (elves) with 5 subraces, Dark-Kin (Demonic Descent), the 13 major Val families (angelic descent), Dwarves, Ss'ressen (Lizard-folk). I kinda want to divide the project upon similar to what the Beyond Skyrim team is doing. I think we should start with the Coryani Empire since it is the heart of humanity in Onara. Also I need opinions on how to convert the magic system on arcanis to skyrim's engine since livibg arcanis ran off of D&D 3.5E rulesets.
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this thread is a train wreck. After seeing the way you treat people giving you legitimate advice, there is absolutely 0% anyone's going to want to help you until you clean up your act and actually have some sort of beginning product to entice people with. I'm not even a modder myself and I can see how ass-backwards everything you've said so far is.


Look, I get it. You're a young kid, maybe 13-16 years old, you have a lot of schoolwork and no time or patience to learn how to mod. Completely reasonable. But the least you can do is treat people who actually do know what they're doing and/or talking about with a level of respect.

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