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Its Hot, Take Cover!


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Just another mod idea...


I am surprised that the C4 in New Vegas can't blow up doors. Isn't that what its for? It would be cool if there was a mod that let you use C4 to open locked doors. Not all characters have a lot of points in lock pick. If you can't pick the lock, why not blow it off?

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  • 2 weeks later...
If someone could come up with a script that would bring up a menu that would let you choose between picking the lock or using explosives, telling you what explosives skill you need and checking if you actually have some explosives in your inventory I'd be willing to do the hard slog to implement it into all the doors or what ever else needs to be done.
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I would love this, but I have 0 scripting experience in NV. However, I do have a lot of time on my hands, and I've worked with soft-coded stuff in Medieval II and SIns of a Solar Empire, which is similar to what is going on here. I really only need some decent tutorials to go over for several hours.

EDIT: I just noticed the oven cooking thing in game- I will pick apart its script tomorrow to see if I can adapt it for this purpose.

Edited by TrooperScooperMKII
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