chrisdragon425 Posted November 4, 2006 Share Posted November 4, 2006 Please move this to Spoilers, thanks. I'll start off with mine. Name: Ri'DatoRace: KhajiitAge: 25Occupation: Freelancing adventurer/assassin/warriorLikes: Gold, expensive jewelry, sharp blades, heavy armorDislikes: Imperial Watch, snobby rich folks, necromancersMajor affiliations: Dark Brotherhood, Mages GuildMinor affiliations: Fighters Guild Background: Born on 4th of First Seed, 3E408 in Northern Elsweyr to parents he never saw much since he was given to the local orphanage within a week of his birth due to his mother and father were unable to support him because they were very poor. In his early years, he was transferred from one orphanage to another due to his childhood aggressiveness but over time, he stopped bullying younger and weaker Khajiit when he learned it was getting him nowhere. He worked as a blacksmith apprentice in his teenage years up into his mid 20s. When he had the money to move to Tamriel, he lived on his own in the Waterfront for years. Over the last few years Ri'Dato assaulted several middle and upper level townsfolk, mostly Dunmer and Altmer due to snobby or just plain bad comments to him as he past by them. Most of the assaults were from behind and these were Ri's taste of spending some time in the Imperial Prison and having his taste of the justice system. Recieving beatings from a few times he was there, his dislike of the Imperial Watch and the prison guards. Ri'Dato ended up in jail for the 8th time on the 27th of Last Seed on 3E433 for again assaulting, but was a young upperclass Imperial woman which this time he attacked without provocation due to his past experiences with Altmer and Dunmer, knocked her over and stole several items, including a bag of gold. Since there were bystanders in the distance that reported the attack and as an Imperial Watch guard who didn't have his helm on at the time, was punched in the face by Ri'Dato but was knocked in the back of the head by another guard, knocking him unconscious. Ri'Dato has had a fascination of collecting armor and weapons from fallen bandits and marauders he has slain while exploring the lands around him and stores them in various places around his Chorrol home hebought later in 3E433. The amount stored is enough to fully arm about 2 dozen men. Besides the armor and weapons collections, he has a thing for the shiny items; jewelry and rings which simply shows off his jeweled necklace and ebony diamond ring behind the warrioresque self. To take his anger out from vague memories of the past, he occasionally goes to the IC Prison District and kills the guards outside as well as the ones inside the Legion Office than casually surrenders himself to the jailor inside the Bastion to spend jailtime instead of paying the fine to the filthy rich courts of Cyrodil, as what he believes. As this is seen but not known by the guard , killing IC Prison guards vents his anger while jailtime fuels it. Being an anti-hero and his fame and infamy nearly equal, Ri'Dato sometimes helps those who need things taken care of, such as jobs in the Mages or Fighters guilds and among other things, such as one prime example on helping Seed-Neeus on rescuing her daughter Dar-Ma from Hackdirt. From the Khajiit's experience being around the people there, he did not like it one bit and later on went on a killing frenzy of everyone but Jiv, who tipped him off where Dar-Ma was located. He is also a frequent trader with Rasheeda in Chorrol and has strangely persuaded several beggars in a few towns in exchange for new clothes and a pair of shoes as well as doing this with several merchants and normal citizens in the Market district. While on the topic of snobs, Ri'Dato finds people like this really low. Randomly heading around town and stumbling upon an upper class Breton's house, a short but unpleasant talk with him saying he was of low birth is what ticked him off. After Laz told him to stop talking and draw his blade earlier, Ri'Dato did unsheathe his ebony longsword and plunging it into the Breton's chest, killing him instantly and before he could react. Knowing the man offended him in some manner, Ri stripped the clothes off and looting any gold off Laz's corpse before heading out the door. Being among 3 guilds, neither the Fighters nor Mages guild knew Ri'Dato follows the teachings of Sithis, is where Ri'Dato gets some of his pleasure from; killing innocents on contracts as well as his own freelance IC guard murdering sprees. Currently the rank of Assassin in the Dark Brotherhood, it is not know how long until he continues on with the DB's works. Among working in the Fighters guild, Ri is still pretty low in the ranks being just a Journeyman as he does contracts and duties every now and then, and enjoying the fun and rewards with working with the group which favors using melee. Coming along to Mages guild, Ri currently has access to the Arcane University and getting his Paralysis staff, which he has learned of paralysis from his constant meddling with alchemy and becoming extremely adept in making his own potions and poisons. Ri'Dato's hatred of necromancers came around while exploring various ruined forts, on which when battling them he hates the foul odor of rotting flesh. Even while taking a little bit of resistance by the necromancers, Ri'Dato came on top thanks to his custom restore health/fatigue potions for himself and the use of damage attribute poisons on them. Later when retrieving the unfinished staff Raminus told him about and coming along dead guildmates in Wellspring Cave, he just gets enraged and goes beserk on the necromancers occupying the cave as well as the ones on the island, taking no prisoners and chasing ones that run away from him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dilvish Posted November 4, 2006 Share Posted November 4, 2006 Name: MalegraAge: 21Class: WitchRace: AltmerSign: AtronachSpec: StealthAlign: Neutral Evil Malegra was born on the southern coast of Summerset Isle near the city of Dusk. Her family were petty nobility and skilled mages. They were all but destroyed in a vendetta with the rulers of the city when she was a child. Malegra grew up alone in the estates of her father's enemies. They tried to make her into a servant but she refused to think like a servant. She learned what she could of the magickal arts from local hedge witches. The poachers taught her stealth. The other servants taught her to steal and her masters taught her to hate. Years went by before she managed to kill several of her enemies and escape. A wanted criminal now, she gained passage aboard a ship bound for Cyrodiil. She reasoned that a member of the pure race would have little trouble succeeding among the lesser races of the tawdry human empire. Malegra arrived in the city of Anvil and immediately took up a life of crime. Some of the Imperials proved less incompetent than she had thought and Malegra soon ended up in the Imperial Prison. She had been there only a week when the Emperor's Blade unlocked her cell door. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tessera Posted November 4, 2006 Share Posted November 4, 2006 Name: "Raven" (real name unknown)Age: 24 (unconfirmed)Class: Seductress (custom thief class)Race: Mystic ElfSign: ThiefSpec: Stealth/MageAlign: True/Neutral Raven's birthplace is unknown and she herself is closed-mouthed about her past. Her astounding acrobatic abilities suggest that she grew up and developed in some mountainous area to the north, but that would only be a guess. Her rather odd and skimpy notions of dress further suggest that she comes from a culture that has very few taboos regarding public displays of nudity and sexuality. Her appearance has been described most often as being "exotic" in nature. Raven currently resides in the city of Anvil and her skin has developed the same rich suntan that most residents of that seaside community are known for. On the surface, she often seems aloof and detached from those around her. Attempts to initiate a conversation with Raven are usually met with a polite smile, but little more. To say that she is not very forthcoming about her "mission in life" would be an understatement. Exactly what her true motivations are remain locked away, inside her mind and her heart. If pressed on such matters, one can expect a cold staredown from a pair of piercing, golden-colored cat's eyes. Very few people would press Raven further after being glared at by those eyes... One thing is for certain: Raven's outward appearance is extremely deceptive... and perhaps intentionally so on her part. Her beauty is disarming and has caused many a bandit to underestimate her during attempts at ambush. In every case, those bandits were left lying in a sickening pool of their own guts... as Raven gazed down at their remains with the same impassive expression on her face that most people have come to expect from her. This odd dichotomy is perhaps the most frightening thing about Raven... a woman who could easily be mistaken for a delicate, petite ballerina also happens to be a potentially cold and vicious killer. Her expertise with daggers is well-known amongst all who have witnessed her in action. She is also quite adept at using magicks and tends to favor summoning and mind control spells as a rule. When threatened or attacked, she has never been observed to hesitate in her responses - often leaping suddenly and viciously at her foes in an explosive attack that has shocked more than a few witnesses. Yet, despite all of those cold killer instincts, members of the various guilds that Raven belongs to have always been quick to describe her as "loyal, capable, dependable and just." Raven continues to be a proverbial mystery wrapped up inside of an enigma. Only time will tell whose side she is truly on..."Raven" - Mystic Elf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cryocry Posted November 4, 2006 Share Posted November 4, 2006 Name- Uh... Decius... uh... Grelus? I can't remember. Yeah, I'll just go with Decius GrelusAge- 30-35Class- Guard BattlemageRace- What kind of a name does Decius Grelus sound like? No, not a Breton name! No, not a Nordic name! YES, an Imperial name!Sign- Jesus Christ... uh... uh... I think it was the... lets see here, I was born in September, so I must've chosen to be born under the... LADY! I got it!Spec- Um... Fighter/Mage/Thief/Assassin?Align- I don't know... most of the quests are for good, so I guess that that's it (Good). Whew, now, BACKGROUND: Decius (I'll just call him that) was born on the 4th of Hearthfire (Hearthfire 4th just doesn't sound right, does it?) in 4E 398- 4E 403. His parents were assassinated for their wealth, and all of their wealth was stolen. 5 at the time the assassin, Legion Captain Adamus Philida, arrested Decius for murder. He didn't have any money that he would inherit, and, to make it worse, he was sentenced to a 25-30 year stay in prison. He then swore to avenge his parents' deaths, and kill Adamus. He tried on one occasion, but Adamus just fell asleep for ten seconds, and then arrested Decius for assult. Decius (now very rich at the time, and also owning a huge spire with all this stuff in it) payed the fine, and then joined up with the Legion after they forgot about it. He tried to murder Adamus four other times, but failed in doing so. Adamus couldn't arrest Decius, because Decius was a guard, and had a "good" reason to try to murder Adamus. He found the Magical Book of Destiny in a fort he cleared out in anger before he was a guard, and it told him he was going to be a guard. He took the book to Frostcrag Spire, and kept it on the Atronach Alter for safe keeping. After a while, when he was bored, he started leafing through the book again. It told him that if he joined the Dark Brotherhood, he would murder Philida eventually (if any of you didn't catch what the book was called, it was called The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (it had a big Daedric rune on the front), and below the rune, it said- OFFICIAL GAME GUIDE for PC and Xbox 360). He did what the Game Guide said to do, and did all the quests, which satisfied his need for vengence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redcore Posted November 10, 2006 Share Posted November 10, 2006 Name: Ja Cobian (pronounced Ya K-[long] o-bee-en)Race: DunmerClass: Shadow Stalker (custom class)Age: about 19Specialty: StealthInterests: Katanas, Stealthy Armor [currently using shinobi kit mod], Sneaking, Killing the innocent for pure pleasureDislikes: Heavy/Bulky Armor [sooooooo ugly], glass armor [just the Oblivion meshes :P ], the virtuous, light :P , and pretty much anything to do with not hurting people Bio: Ja has always disliked people. He never had any friends. After reaching the age of seven, he ran away from home. He was raised by a group of marauders who were particularly sneaky. They taught him how to stay in the shadows, how to silently strike with the blade, and how to hit a person between the eyes with a bow from far, far away. He came to like these people, realizing he was not the only one of his ilk in the world. Extremely fond of the marauders, he stayed with them, traveling all over the world, killing and stealing. But one day, tragedy struck. At the age of sixteen, the band was attacked by a group of guards while on the island of Solthsiem. Ja barely made it away. Hiding in the shadows of a nearby cave, Ja could do nothing but watch as the legion guards killed his greatest, and only, friends. Struck with sorrow and pain, Ja wished only that the painful memory of the raid could be washed away. He travelled to Cyrodil, hoping to find a new start and forget his troubles. He did not arrive until two years later.One day shortly after his arrival, a mysterious man aproached Ja and told him that he knew of Ja's troubling memories. He offered to give him a potion that would make him forget the horrible day. Ja, not even caring about the consequences, quickly accepted. He followed the man to his lab in Kvatch and took the potion. He drank it then and there. Quickly, Ja was overcome with something that felt like an expert level shock spell hitting him dead-on. He fell unconcious and woke up in a prison cell. He did indeed forget that traumatic experience in Solsthiem. Realizing that he was in jail, Ja promptly asked the jailor what the date was, for he did not remember getting thrown into the jail. The gaurd answered that it was Morndas, Last Seed, day 9. Then Ja asked the jailor the year. After hearing the gaurds response, Ja nearly collapsed. It had been a whole year since he had drank the potion. Ja lay there for hours until he finally was brought out of his daze by the sound of an arrogant man of his kin yelling at him. Surely, he would return one day to kill him. . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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