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Syntyche's Cavern Shop Fixes and Extras


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After prompt and helpful criticism I've fixed the mesh clipping on the Bleak Serpent/Sea Dragon meshes. There's still a teensy bit on the knee on the male mesh, but you have to be looking for it and it's not nearly as obvious.


The Bleak Serpent shield is fixed. Apparently I'd saved the normal map with mipmaps before.


I also added gloves for the atronach sets as extras, since Reaper was unhappy there weren't any with ktx's meshes. They're not as nice as the original armor, but they're not too bad. Pics:








Here's the download link:






Install/Bugfix Directions:


Unzip to Data files directory and say YES to overwrite. DO NOT uninstall the previous mod, this will ONLY work if you already have it.

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