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Expanded openactorcontainer ("NPC dresser")


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Alongside this request I might also add a question regarding it. If the reader wants to get to the point of this thread, please proceed to the last 4 paragraphs, but if you want, however, to read a somewhat nice request while smiling a couple of times, I invite you to read the full post.


One of the things I do most often while I play Skyrim is to act like a "wandering wardrobe", meaning I like to change certain NPC's equipment (mostly weapons and armor/clothing) according to my own tastes specially favoring those added by the mods I install. Obviously in a lore-friendly and non-cheating way (would be very shameful to full-equip the Ebony Warrior with a nice an' shiny piece of hide armor just before facing him).


To accomplish this, I repeatedly use the 'showinventory' and 'removeallitems' console commands very aware of the implications. But, as Linkin Park would say, in the end it doesn't even matter, because of the cell-reseting system, leaving all modified NPCs in a short-mid while just like the game brought them, leaving me no choice but to look for the closest bit of dust available and bite it like there was no tomorrow.


My relatevely recent discovery of the 'openactorcontainer' cc hoped to be my ultimate solution to my clothe-changing dilemma. Painfully, I had to look for another bit of dust to bite as I realized that the cc only worked on those NPCs whose containers can be indeed accessed, that is, followers and potential followers. Nonetheless, this dust I bited tasted a little better for the fact that lets me modify an NPC's (follower's) inventory without the need of recruiting them first.


And this leads me to this thread's reason-to-be. And as I said firsthand, I'd like to ask a question: Is there a solution in-game for my concern? Is there another cc available to do this or was misusing the 'openactorcontainer' cc from the beginning? Or was I entirely wrong, and I am bound to see all the NPCs I modify reseted?


If the answers to the first 2 questions are NO, and for the third is YES, let me guys ask another question: Is there in the vast and marvelous Nexus universe a mod (or mods) that would help me to accomplish this desire of mine to make NPCs wear exactly what I want them to wear without the constant fear of seeing them being reverted to their default outfits?


If the answer for this question is YES, please point me towards it and let this thread be closed and archived (also in case of this thread to be repeated). But if the answer is NO... well... I leave the idea for some modder to take, either expanding the 'openactorcontainer' cc usage or creating a new tool from scratch.


A big thanks to anyone who would take the time to read the whole thing. And please, make me stop biting more dust, I'm beginning to starve here.

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