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HELP! With Oblivion Graphics Extender


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Hi guys, first off, I'm new here so go easy on me. :rolleyes:


I installed OBSE (latest version) and Oblvion Graphics Extender to see what Oblivion can really do on my rig. I ran it for the first time today and the first thing I got was an extremely high contrast game. Eventually though, with a little bit of tweaking, I was able to fix the contrast issues.


However! My game is still dark, and has a strange high saturation posterize effect and I'm not really sure how to get rid of it. I'm unfamilliar with most of the technical jargon this mod uses, so if anyone who understands OBGE would be so kind as to tell me how to fix this issue, I'll be forever grateful.


I'm happy with the depth of field and whatnot, I just want to make my game brighter and not have that weird posterizing effect.


For the record, I'm running the Steam version of Oblivion on Windows 7 64-bit.


Screenshots (No direct image. Resolution's too high)




I'll post a video of my gameplay once it's done uploading to YouTube.



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By the looks of the screenshots you're loading nearly every shader available in OBGE, which is not necessary and most likely not desirable. You need to read the descriptions for each shader and decide which ones you want to use and disable the rest. There's really nothing more that can be said about this. The effect you're getting is from SSAO, ColorEffects, and most likely CellShading, along with other shaders. However each of these shaders can be tweaked to your liking or completely disabled. SSAO is an excellent lighting effect and when used properly adds great "shadowing" to the scenery. But if you just plop 10-15 shaders into your game and don't tweak or disable any of them you end up with the mess you see on screen now.


You need to read the documentation included with OBGE to grasp an understanding of what each shader does and how to tweak them manually or with the support plugin. The ReadMe is chock full of information and is worded rather simply, and straightforward, for what the mod does.

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Thanks, I'll take a look. I thought I had disabled most of the shader effects. I guess I missed a few.




Apparently that didn't work. From what I understand, I turned everything off save for the Godrays and the Crysis DoF, although somehow I'm still getting this posterized effect.





Edited by Kittenpunch
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