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Question about adapting clothing to breasts


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Hello everyone


I would like to know whats the best way to adapt clothing to different cup sizes. I'am currently resizing a lot of stuff for Speedbusters Heavy Body and I have a lot of trouble with the huge breast area. I'am always trying it with Lattices but that fails miserably most of the time. In the end I always end up pulling every single vertice in the breast area one by one, which is not only extremely hard but the results are also very bumped.


When I look at resized clothing from other persons in Blender thats never the case, the shape of the boobs is always perfectly round and smooth, so I gues I'am doing something wrong.


Is there any method I should know? How do you guys handle something like for example resizing an C-Cup to an H-Cup? Any advice for me?


I would be very thankful since right now I'am stuck with my current project because of this.

Edited by Trashdog
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Hmm, are you using Blender? If you are, it has a setting called Proportional Edit Falloff which you can activate either by hitting the Grey Circle next to the Snap Magnet on the bottom Header or simply hitting the O key. You can then choose the settings for how the Falloff will react and for this, you probably want Smooth Falloff. While currently moving a vertex, you can roll the mouse wheel to increase or decrease the area of influence. You can also set Proportional Edit Falloff to connected to limit the area of influence to mostly connected vertices instead of the entire area of influence that the On setting maneuvers. Generally, this is will give you a more smoother look rather than having to painfully pull up each vertex to shape. Other than that, my knowledge of Blender is limited so this is how I usually go rectifying issues with clothing not adapting to a body. Maybe someone else can give you further insight?
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Yep I'am using Blender and I already have to thank you for your advice :)


I tried the smooth option before but it always scaled my whole armor because I didn't know there's a way to adjust that.

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I never done that before, but i might want to adapt my finished outfit to some other body when im finished.


I would import the target body and set its drawtype to wireframe so i can see what im doing.


Select the 2 vertices and pull with proportional editing and get the general shape.

It would be nice to just delete half of it and mirror it later but that can mess up the uv map.


maybe select half of your outfit and hit p for making it into 2 separate objects.


Add lattice and modifier to the one object to fine tune the shape.

Maybe you can mirror the lattice to apply same deformation to other side.


Or just mirror the lattice prior to deformation, separate it and keep track of changes you make then apply same changes to the other side.


It can be also useful to apply testing texture to your outfit to make sure u dont accientaly distort the uv mapping too much and make it look bad.


If you end up with some vertices from each side pulling apart you can use 3d cursor to find the middle and snap em to it.

Edited by baduk
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