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Bulk sale of items


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Hey all. I love to explore. I always bring back a max load of stuff (I use Underground Hideout). I hate having to organize the stuff and then make 4 or 5 trips to various merchants as they never have enough money. I though about jacking the amount of money they had up but it's not the best solution. I was thinking about adding a mailbox outside my entrance as a "drop box" for Caravan merchants. Here's my thoughts...drop whatever I want to sell in the box. There's an X percent chance it will get stolen before the 7am pickup. Same with the cash that is left. To be fair, the amount of the items drops to, I dunno, 25% of the stated value, but there is no limit to the amount that can be dropped off. Any thoughts or ideas for improvement? Any ideas on how to make this a mod for everyone...ie have the mailbox as a sellable item so anyone can set it up wherever they want? To make this happen, I would need someone who could help me with scripting. As you can see if you read my others posts, I'm not the greatest at scripting, but I'm learning fast. Thanks!
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