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A .bmp file works but not a .dds


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Lately, I've been having problems getting my meshes that have weight paint on them to work with their .dds files. Strangely, they can work with .bmp files.


I've searched for an answer to this problem with no success. If anybody knows how to fix this please tell me.

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Lately, I've been having problems getting my meshes that have weight paint on them to work with their .dds files. Strangely, they can work with .bmp files.

I've searched for an answer to this problem with no success. If anybody knows how to fix this please tell me.


More info, please.


Are you using Max, Blender, or something else?


What do you mean by "not work?" Do they not show up at all, or show up looking funny, or crash the game, or what?



IF you're getting plain black instead of color, it could be because you haven't changed the mipmap setting in the nisourcetexture node from 0 to 1. I had that problem.


Don't know why bmps would work, though.

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When I try using a .dds the game crashes when I try to look at the meshes.

When I use a .bmp, the mesh is purple the first time and later turns normal when I load again.


Ah HAH. Are you using GIMP by any chance?


The GIMP normal map and dds plugins are known to be more stable sometimes than others. Don't know about Photoshop, but with GIMP, you have to restart the program and save the faulty .dds file (and/or its normal map, which when faulty can cause crashes on its own) over again to hopefully get a working version. I found this out through very painful trial and error.


Also: If you are using the very latest version of GIMP and its runtime environment, you might have to roll back one version to achieve compatibility with the plugins. I'm using the latest, but once in a while I get game-crashing textures and have to go back and resave something (most often the normal map).

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I use Photoshop.

Should I try GIMP?


Dunno. I've never used Photoshop (no dinero) so I don't really know how it compares. Like I said, the dds and normal map plugins for GIMP are sometimes more effective than other times. I wouldn't be surprised if the Photoshop ones were as well.


Have you tried re-saving the possibly defective dds files AND their normal maps?

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Did you tried creating another texture (+ normal map) just to see if it works? Dont need to detail it or anything, you could make it plain red. Im using Photoshop as well and I didnt had that problem before... But I did experienced the black texture, thanks SickleYield ^^.
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