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Previous Complications Subject To UN & NATO


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China and Japan on United Nations list... what could be worse? This country has ruined everything... So did the UN... Shouldn't Japan and China be going to war with USA? I mean USA has caused a lot of problems for them... and everyone else... I think we (USA) would need a pretty big ally like UK--Russia to take them on...
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World events these days usually are a bit more complicated than country A. doesn't like country B. so they go to war. Whether a country likes you or doesn't like you is often completely beside the point.


Here is China's position: Other than China itself, the US is the single biggest purchaser of Chinese goods on the planet (much to the chagrin of US veterans, etc. Yes yes buy American, we know, that's not my point here). Going to war with the US would be a very risky endeavor for China. It is a war they could lose, and in doing so they'd hurt their country far more than they'd help it.


Another thing to keep in mind about China is even during wartime, there's pretty much no way they'd ally with the Japanese for 2 reasons:


1. Many Chinese nationalists still hate Japan for the atrocities of WW2 committed against the Chinese (as well as Japan's rather non-apologetic stance on the matter), and


2. Japan's military size is limited by statutes put forth as a result of their surrender in WW2. What good militarily would Japan really do China in any war even if they wanted to ally with them, which I can assure you they do not.


I'll give you this though: a war involving these three nations would be very interesting and complex, because they all have pretty good reasons for disliking one another. It'd be tough to say who would end up alllying with who.


It's the easy, chic thing to do these days, blame the US for all the world's problems and what not, but if you're speaking of who has hurt who, Japan has done far more to hurt China over the last century than the US ever has, and I can promise you most of the Chinese (especially citizens) would agree with this without blinking.


The truth is there are many nations within the UN that don't like each other. I'm pretty sure that underneath the amicable ass-kissing between the two, there are still undercurrents of resentment between the British and French, for example. You don't war with another nation for centuries on end and then one day all of a sudden decide they're your BFF. There is tension between many nations, not just the US and China.

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Good, you are blaming East Asian nations for something that is really complex. Good Job. have a pat on the back. Come back when you know a bit more about how the world works.
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Forget country A, B, and C, look at M A D.








It's what keeps the world from going to war, at the moment. They invade us, we nuke them, they nuke us, we're all up a creek without a paddle and glowing with radioactivity.


The US, Russia, the UK, France, and China are all known to have nuclear weapons. India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel are suspected/have claimed to have nuclear weapons. The US also 'supplies' nuclear weapons to Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Turkey. We supply the nukes, the pilots, the outfitted planes and such. However, those guys aren't really the ones to worry about, since it's still our people in 'charge'.


However, the one to worry about is North Korea. Not the big five, even though they have many more. North Korea has the disadvantage of being solely ran by a man of questionable sanity and a nation of loyal (either in earnest or in fear) people who would die for him. In a way, he has nothing to lose and everything to gain. What better way to try and prove yourself then take on the (arguably) strongest nation in the world?


He decides his ticket to recognition and power is to push the big red button. And who better to shoot than the guys who keep calling for sanctions against them? He nukes us, we return fire, we call in the UK and France to back us up. China might side with North Korea, but I get a feeling they'd stay out of it, unless they think we're going to lose. Russia's probably going to just tell everyone to go bug off. I assume the North Koreans are intelligent enough to shoot it at DC, which disrupts the better part of the continuity of government. Chances are, someone takes it into their own hands and fires at least one. Hopefully they've figured out it's North Korea, or they could 'accidently' hit China, who would respond in kind. The UK and France would probably return fire, in addition to all the littler nations we 'loaned' nukes.


China and the US is turned into a radioactive pit of death and then Russia decides to be opportunistic and go ahead and finish off the now-unarmed Brits/French. MAD in a minute, with a few 'if's thrown in there, which I personally mark up as likely due to the nature of humans. Panic takes over and logic goes out the window.


EDIT: Oh, and of course, not everyone in those nations would die. Once they put everything back together, you've got the problem of pretty much every major corporation having been the better part of annihilated. The world economy would come crashing down and the survivors had better get their Edwin 'Bear' Grylls on, or they're knee-deep in it.

Edited by RZ1029
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China and Japan on United Nations list... what could be worse? This country has ruined everything... So did the UN... Shouldn't Japan and China be going to war with USA? I mean USA has caused a lot of problems for them... and everyone else... I think we (USA) would need a pretty big ally like UK--Russia to take them on...

I have read and reread your post several times and still am not entirely sure of what your intended point is. So I'll ask questions to clarify, first off... by list are you referring to the fact that both Japan and China are both UN members? As for problems that the US caused both countries, I hope that you are not referring to WWII in Japan's case and in the case of China I can only presume that the reference is to trade issues. Lastly I believe that the special relationship with GB is long standing and requires only the maintenance that it has always been given to continue. Finally why would we need to "take them on"? Japan is firmly in the American pan pacific orbit by their own choice and needs us more than we need them. China is primarily a land based military power so her ability to project her power will require a deep water navy which she does not as of yet possess.

Edited by Aurielius
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