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CTD when loading a save game and starting new game


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Your Skyrim is not using enough memory.

Check out the sticky "Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires".


On a healthy setup your ram should be just below your vram. So your ram should be around 1.1gb to 1.2gb to match your vram. This could be your ENB setup.



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In your Skyrim INI do you have Papyrus logging enabled? If not, add/modify the section (in square brackets) to this:




Don't remove anything if it's already there, just change values if they are zero. Run Skyrim and you'll get a Log folder added to where your ini is. Wait till you crash then look at the .0 log, the most recent one, scroll to the very end to see what the last stuff logged shows. Let us know what that last chunk of text says if you see any error. Maybe copy a block of text (some above and below the error) and post it up so we can see it.


CTD is usually either textures, memory pressure, or something else serious... something preventing the game from doing what it is being asked to do. The papyrus log will help if it's script related, I believe it also logs asset access, so if you're missing something it should show there too. I've had something like this after playing for a while and it turned out to be a creature mod, the logs led me right to the problem, was a conflict with another mod, and I was able to get it resolved.

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