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Multi-Layered Menu Script


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Hello, I wish to make an object script with more than one layer deep in menus but I can't seem to figure it out. This is my script so far, edited.

I used the stars "*" to black out parts of the code that are ok. I'm just looking for structure, I can worry about the content.

Thanks you guys.

Scriptname *****

Short controlvar
Short button
Short button2
Short button3
Short button4

Begin OnActivate
MessageBox "Create your ****.", "****", "*****", "*******"
Set controlvar to 1

Begin GameMode
If (controlvar == 1)
	set button to GetButtonPressed
	If (button == -1)
	Elseif (button == 0)
		Messagebox "You ***********?", "*****", "*****"
		set button2 to getbuttonpressed
		if (button2 == -1)
		Elseif (button2 == 0)
			if (player.getitemcount ************* == 0)
				Message "*********"
			elseif (player.getitemcount *********** == 0)
				Message "**********"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******** == 0)
				Message "********"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ********* == 0)
				message "*******"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******* == 0)
				Message "************"
				set controlvar to 2
		Elseif (button2 == 1)
			set controlvar to 0
	Elseif (button == 1)
		Messagebox "************************?", "*****", "**********"
		set button3 to getbuttonpressed
		if (button3 == -1)
		Elseif (button3 == 0)
			if (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* > 2)
				message "*******************"
				set controlvar to 2
		Elseif (button3 == 1)
			set controlvar to 0
	Elseif (button == 2)
		Messagebox "*******************?", "*******************", "*******************"
		set button4 to getbuttonpressed
		if (button4 == -1)
		Elseif (button4 == 0)
			if (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				Message "*******************"
			elseif (player.getitemcount ******************* == 0)
				message "*******************"
				set controlvar to 2
		Elseif (button4 == 1)
			set controlvar to 0
Elseif (controlvar == 2)

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Ok, first, it would be nice if you could be creative enough to make up something to submit with flavor instead of ******, not to be negative. I have read and tried to understand your script. I don't understand what the script is supposed to do after the first check for controlvar. It appears that this script is going to make the player do something when that is hit (== 2). I would test the script out with the most basic of variables. I personally employ a disabled quest that will run the script when activated and then disable it when all conditions are met. I will describe this process for you to dissect and use as you wish.


I have made this script for activators, you could use the bank vault mod or any glass display case that you choose. I will release this as a mod as soon as I'm done writing this post.


The first thing for you to do is to make a new quest. Name it something unique and leave the priority at 0. Next create the following scripts in order of posting:



Edited by theuseless
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Sorry, this script is ripped from my mod and you might have to wait for a modders' resource for a min.


You must make two quests, in my case, I have made one that is for the variables and to activate the bank vault (glass display case :sad:)


The first quest I made was called "tUL665TharnsteinMain". That has the first script attached to it when you make the script. The second quest I made was the quest for this particular container, called "tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3" After I made these quests, I was able to make the first and second scripts, then I was able to compile the rest of the scripts in order just fine.


Ok, so working scripts with explanations:


first script to make, place it on the first quest I made, make sure that the quest is not Start Game Enabled.


scn tUL665TharnsteinMQScript


:these are variables to be checked by my mod's quests, infantile in progress


short doOnce
short diningCases
short diningCases1
short diningCases2
short diningCases3   ;this is the short that I will be using in this
short diningCases4
short diningCases5
short diningCases6
short diningCases7
short VelSkullCount


After you have attached a similar style code, with your own names (or not) for the shorts. Just be sure to make new names for the quests and scripts. I am posting this directly from my mod so please show me the respect that I show to you by sharing (change names of scripts and quests please).


The second quest that I set up was for the actual container quest. The above script is just to contain variables. The next piece of code is where I used the "tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3" quest. To change the name of the quest, just look for all the names with the tUL665 prefix and make them your own names. When I reverse engineer, I like to keep track of all my changed names in a notepad file. That way you know what to change the name to in Notepad ++ with Oblivion syntax.


I will check back and make sure that you are able to use this if I can't get it into a working mod resource.


Second script:


Scn tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuestScript3

short busy
short pause
short opener
short word
short word2
short word3
short word6
short word5
short word4
short clicked
short correctCount
short moneyclip
float fQuestDelayTime

begin gameMode


if (busy == 1)          ;this parameter is set to 1 by the activator script
	set pause to -1
	set busy to 0

	;reset conditions here (re-initialize).  This is used to stop the script and set the parameters to 0 when the script completes
	;you can also add a re-init to the first block of begin gamemode if you plan on teleporting or ending the script in a similar fashion

if (pause == 0)
	stopquest tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3
	set busy to 0
	set pause to 0
	set opener to 0
	set word to 0
	set word2 to 0
	set word3 to 0
	set word4 to 0
	set word5 to 0
	set word6 to 0
	set clicked to 0
	set correctCount to 0
	set moneyclip to 0

	;this block starts the options	

elseif (pause == -1)
	messagebox, "You see some disks on the handle.  They look sharp.  Do you wish to move them?" "I'm outta here", "Turn top disk"
	set pause to 1

If (pause == 1)
	set opener to getButtonPressed
	if (opener == -1)
		set pause to 2

	;this block says that if "i'm outta here" is enabled, the script is terminated (the reinitialize block at the top).  Nothing will happen 
if (pause == 2)
	if (opener == 0)
		set pause to 0

	;opener was the first messagebox variable, above, that when set to 1 says that you wish to try the lock

	if (opener == 1) && (clicked == 0)   
		messagebox, "As they spin they click.  How many clicks do you wish to move the top disk?", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 1

	if (clicked == 1)
		set word to getButtonPressed
		if word == -1
			set clicked to 2

	;this is the second choice, which will set the parameter, short word2, the next amount of clicks turned.

	if (clicked == 2)
		messagebox, "choices", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 3

	if (clicked == 3)
		set word2 to getButtonPressed
		if word2 == -1
			set clicked to 4

	;the third word, word2 (word, word1, word2) is set here

	if (clicked == 4)
		messagebox, "choices", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 5

	if (clicked == 5)
		set word3 to getButtonPressed
		if word3 == -1
			set clicked to 6

	;you can make any number of variables within the blocks.  I am using more messagebox scripting, but you can make any checks or flag changes, etc.

	if (clicked == 6)
		messagebox, "choices", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 7

	if (clicked == 7)
		set word4 to getButtonPressed
		if word4 == -1
			set clicked to 8

	;these are setting parameters to be checked later, they will all resolve at once

	if (clicked == 8)
		messagebox, "choices", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 9

	if (clicked == 9)
		set word5 to getButtonPressed
		if word5 == -1
			set clicked to 10

	;the player is setting their choices here, you will check to see if these choices are correct or valid.  I'm using 0 as a beginning for the messagebox for ease of changing lock combos in the next block

	if (clicked == 10)
		messagebox, "choices", "0", "1", "2" "3", "4", "5" "6", "7", "8", "9"
		set clicked to 11

	if (clicked == 11)
		set word6 to getButtonPressed
		if word6 == -1
			set clicked to 12

	;now for the fun part.  This will determine if the choices the players made are valid enough
	;you can make more of the above blocks, with making each modify the pause or clicked short, then add more of the blocks below to correspond and set the correct count higher or lower, depending on your cruelty

	if (clicked == 12)
		if word == 4
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)
		if word2 == 2
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)
		if word3 == 0
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)
		if word4 == 4
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)
		if word5 == 2
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)
		if word6 == 0
			set correctCount to (correctCount +1)

	;now here you can make it call whatever you want, >= 4, etc.  I got lazy and stopped making the script pause between functions with the pause or clicked shorts.  I did this because no new menus were called.

	if (clicked == 12) && (correctCount  == 6)
		set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 to 1    ;this is to make the case recognize that it has the right combination
		set pause to 0

	;this will make it so that if you have an incorrect amount, it will do another effect, from the scripting tutorial that showed me the process of using messagebox and message

	elseif (clicked == 12) && (correctCount != 6)
		messagebox, "The disks reset.  As they reset, they cut you.  The cut has a strange feeling, you didn't notice untill now"
			If (Player.GetItemCount "gold001") >= 100
				Player.RemoveItem "gold001" 100
				Set pause to 0
				Set moneyclip to Player.GetItemCount "gold001" 
				Player.RemoveItem "gold001" moneyclip
				Player.AddItem "gold001" 25
				Set pause to 0


The previous script shows working scripting ripped from my mod. You can reset the variables to whatever you want. My generic lock is 420420. Change those variables and you can make it lock to anything that you want to, provided that you make it have unique scriptnames, quest names and new lock variables.


You next need to make a container, door or whatever you wish to lock. I haven't modified the scripts enough yet to make the player automatically activate it, but if you activate the container/door again, you will be able to access it. I am working on this problem now, and will release the resource when I get it down. All I need to do is make a self disable code on the first quest script that will activate the container with the player if the combo is right. I will also make exceptions so that certain npc's can open it at certain points of the quest.


So, you got a new, unique container.


My script looks like this:

scn tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerScript3

short doOnce

Begin OnActivate

if (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 == 0)      ;if you haven't entered the proper combo
startquest tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3
set tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3.busy to 1
set tUL665tharnstGuestLivingContainerQuest3.fQuestDelayTime to 0.1
set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 to 0
elseif (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 == 1) && (doOnce ==0)    ;or if you have the right combo, open it
set doOnce to 1
elseif (tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 == 1) && (doOnce ==1)   ;now you can close the object.  Make sure to make unique scripts and quest number 2 if you plan on using more than one combo lock
set doOnce to 0
set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 to 0


begin onReset

reset3dstate       ;closes the case on reset
set doOnce to 0
set tUL665TharnsteinMain.diningCases3 to 0



That should work for you to learn. All you need to do is replace or delete the tUL665 prefix from my codes to make them testable. I'm sorry that I don't have the time now to make the resource, but I have a lot of scripting to finish and the new meshes from the bank vault are inspiring me to finish this code, make it so that the player activates the ref upon completion of the code. I might be able to write it into the second, long, quest script. That would probably be the most effective and least draining on the performance.


I originally came up with the method after reading some other tutorials. It made it so that I can add begin gamemode scripts blocks without running them every check. It makes the performance on my laptop (which runs oblivion on low (not lightbright) pick up faster frame rates.


Hope this helps,


Edited by theuseless
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Oh yeah, the bank vault is Strotis new meshes bank vault http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35494



The scripting tutorial with the messagebox function: Scripting Tutorial: My Second Script http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Scripting_Tutorial:_My_Second_Script


And then check out Tutorials Abound http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/182360-tutorials-abound/page__p__1578084__hl__%2Btutorials+%2Babound__fromsearch__1#entry1578084


The last link is a simple starter for people to get into modding. I have some cool links like a tutorial for scripting an npc to lower a drawbridge/portcullis for you.


If you got a start from my rant, please give me kudos. I have spent some time on this as it is one of the few things I can help on here. If my drunken babble confuses you or makes me sound dumb, I will try to help you out as I would like to release this information as a resource. I would credit you and make others credit you as a playtester.



that's all I can muster,


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