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what small things do you want changed?


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My one 'thing' would be havoked hair. If a torch flame can be made to move and flow with a character then hair can be done the same way. And potion bottles. Make the damn bottles look different for different schools of magick! And NPC to NPC dialogue, enough with the 'ran-into-a-couple-of-mud-crabs' stuff. :wallbash:
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I think it would be pretty awesome if they allowed the option to have your character be LEFT HANDED! In all the games I've played your character is always right handed (except the Legend of Zelda games of course). This would be a cool option for players who are actually left handed that would like to play a game with a left handed character. On top of that that adds some more immersion to a RPG because in real life there are left handed people. And maybe the option to have different body types. Little unrealistic that everyone has same body type and no fatty peoples.

Both of these points are very valid for immersion, and maybe with the dual-equipping people are talking about, the first will be taken care of. I surely hope the second will be, too. I want to see fat people, thin people, muscular, and scrawny in a real-life mix. Different sized breasts on women would be on the same lines, as well as more children running around!



id like the possibility to have a pet, i know you could get a skinned hound in shivering isles and i know TES is not fall out....but having some kind of pet or familiar without the constant summoning would be nice.

a small thing Ive appreciated is mods that bring variety to the plants and small insects in certain areas....or wind animations, when it rains hard i want the trees to show some effect from it, i want the grass to blow with the wind etc

So true! We have a world that's littered with magicians, and no one has familiars?! Hunters without domesticated cubs/kittens of some brutal sort captured/rescued while they were young? Baby dragon eggs found on a cliff...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif

Edited by WizardOfAtlantis
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I want to see fat people, thin people, muscular, and scrawny in a real-life mix.


I second this. Maybe something like the existing FaceGen tech but for bodies, that would allow us to customize characters in every detail.. height, body fat, proportions et.c. :)

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Yeah I want to play Friar Tuck!!!!


More seriously, I think it's even more important for the NPC than it is for the player. I mean now we have beautiful faces, we have real beards, we have children!!! We just need different size or shape and the immersion will be complete.

Edited by Any_ILL
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Return to a colored map would be appreciated. I'm sure they will have it for Skyrim, but it's not set in stone yet. Overall, from looking at the dry erase map of Skyrim, it seems the landscape will be far more interesting. In Oblivion, there were no rivers or streams anywhere (at least that I can remember, just the major "river" inlet from the city isle to the ocean, with some branches. Skyrim's map shows a whole bunch of rivers (unless those are just roads...). Also, Cyrodil's overall landscape was kind of... bowl shaped? That is, around the northern edges were the mountains you could literally walk/jump up, and the land gradually got closer to the ground towards the middle and sort of evened out farther south. So there were no mountain paths, or mountains you could actually go around, or anything interesting like that. Skyrim's map shows mountains in various places, not just on the borders. The tallest mountain seems to be close to the center. And looking at the screenshots of the mountains... there's no way I could see you walking up them. They're like actual real spears of craggy rock, rather than gray colored hills.


That in mind, I'd still like to be able to climb said mountains. Since walking wouldn't cut it, I'm hoping for some sort of rock climbing mechanism. Perhaps with some rock climbing tools? I could have loads of fun with that. I mean, if they're going to have farming, and even wood cutting, why not rock climbing? Speaking of wood cutting, I have to wonder what that would actually be used for. Firewood to cook some stew seems obvious enough, but that can't be it. Making furniture maybe? Wooden armor/weapons doesn't seem plausible... a friend of mine suggested house building, but I doubt it. Hopefully though I'll be able to build a dam upstream from a nearby town, thereby forcing them to pay ransom!! (or forcing them to hire mercs to kill me... >_>)

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I want to see fat people, thin people, muscular, and scrawny in a real-life mix.


I second this. Maybe something like the existing FaceGen tech but for bodies, that would allow us to customize characters in every detail.. height, body fat, proportions et.c. :)


Different body types, i think is an absolute must. I got tired of seeing everyone in obvivion that had the same body type no matter their age. Someone else also said havoked hair which I think is a must. NO more static, go through your back hair when you are running. They just looked like plastic wigs.


Also, even though this is more of a keep quality, it just wouldnt be a TES game if you didnt start in a prison or as a prisoner. Just sayin :thumbsup:

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I want to see fat people, thin people, muscular, and scrawny in a real-life mix.


I second this. Maybe something like the existing FaceGen tech but for bodies, that would allow us to customize characters in every detail.. height, body fat, proportions et.c. :)


Different body types, i think is an absolute must. I got tired of seeing everyone in obvivion that had the same body type no matter their age. Someone else also said havoked hair which I think is a must. NO more static, go through your back hair when you are running. They just looked like plastic wigs.


Also, even though this is more of a keep quality, it just wouldnt be a TES game if you didnt start in a prison or as a prisoner. Just sayin :thumbsup:


I third (or fourth) this. Or second it. I would like to see characters of all shapes and sizes, and none conforming to modern real-world ideals, as I don't really see a realistic connection to ES society. Also, no miminal-coverage armour - it just doesn't make sense to dress up female characters in chainmaille bikinis when their male counterparts wear full-coverage suits. (Shivering Isles did this!)

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