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what small things do you want changed?


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Morrowind style Argonians and Khajiit!!!

No more simple toad and cat faced humans ,they look just ugly and silly.

I can understand the difficultis with the walking animations for digitigrade legs, but they are not so impossible to make, even the morrowind ones animation doesn't look so wrong after all...i hope they'll don't repeat the oblivion lazyness on the customization of those 2 races...

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something akin to the 300ft detection radius mod, as in if you do something bad in one city, all the guards in every city know what youve done and are after you.


also i heard something about weapon creation or customization, and that you can smith weapons. i hope that mean you can customize the shape and textures of the weapon, and not just choose stats or have set styles of weapon to make.


and i hope the make hair look better, as before you had to download mods to get decent hair, as the default ones looked like plastic. judging by the screenshots this has been done.

carrying on from that, all the features of character customization the mods offered for oblivion, such as body shapes, eye colours and the like. this looks hopeful as well.

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More variation in the items in the game. The mundane items, that is. And also where you can cause affects to the mundane items, like you can break objects, burn them, etc. Also, I would like to see where if you let your weapons and armor go down to zero in their wear, that the item will actually break and you will not be able to use it again until you take it to a forge to be reforged. Edited by mericen
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Morrowind style Argonians and Khajiit!!!


And no fast travel (but there will be...) or at least, some other way to travel between the 5 towns and a way to desactivate fast travel (the mods to do it in oblivion never worked on my game ><)

Edited by Any_ILL
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And no fast travel (but there will be...) or at least, some other way to travel between the 5 towns and a way to desactivate fast travel (the mods to do it in oblivion never worked on my game ><)


You do realize it's just to not use the fast travel if you don't like it...?

No need for mods^^

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@ Zaldiir: yeah and if the game makes you invicible but let you know when you should die, it's also ok because you can choose to load the party as if you really died? The gamer is here to play, not to be tempted by functionnalities which will lead him to be bored far too soon by ruining the immersion.


PS: Ah and open cities, pls if it's not already confirmed, don't put your cities in separate cells.

Edited by Any_ILL
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Making the player invincible and having the option to fast travel is two totally different things though... If you can't resist the temptation to use fast travel, then it's only a matter with your will(power^^)..


And open cities have been "confirmed" sort of. Dragons can attack cities, and for dragons to attack, open cities is required. Though, this is not fully confirmed, it's most likely. :)

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Explain in what my analogy is not relevant. In both cases, the original game give you an functionnality to ease your task that you can skip by willpower alone but which is present by default. The only difference is that one can be activate without the approval of the player. So if I replace the invincibility by an invincibility button in the interface this become a pure choice of the player and both are now the same. Why not add an "instant kill" button or a "solve quest" button (which is as absurd in an open rpg than the fast travel button). The problem is a willpower problem yes. But this is the problem of a whole bunch of players which hates this system. They choose "instant pleasure" at the expense of the long-term pleasure which is clearly not a good idea in a vast open rpg. And if bethesda were adding the three button I talked about, everyone would hate it.


And open cities have been "confirmed" sort of. Dragons can attack cities, and for dragons to attack, open cities is required. Though, this is not fully confirmed, it's most likely. :)
I'm not convinced. A random event can occur if et only if you are in the city cell. If i remember correctly, the text about the dragon assault doesn't say the hero is outside the town when he sees that. But I agree with you to say it's most likely.
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Why it's different? Because making the player invincible is done through the console, and it not part of the game itself.


You are right that it's a problem with many gamers, but then again, many like the possibility to fast-travel, so leaving it in as an optional thing is the best option. You want to use it, use it, don't want to, don't use it - It's a simple thing really. Much like mods: Don't download or complain if you don't like it - It's optional.


And another thing about fast travel and the hating is that you only see those who hate, since those who don't have no reason to say anything on the topic - for them it's fine as it is.

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