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Taking parts from one armor and transferring them to another?


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I have never seen any relevance in the order of that list.
Yes, I noticed your post about re-exporting from blender after I asked about the nodes. I'm trying out your suggestion right now; I'll tell you how it goes.
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Noap! cant tell a darned thing from what u got there!


Except that on the surface it looks fine.


U know u can turn on the show blok details list and ur gonna want that on also.

Both block list with tree view and block details is the way to go!


btw.. do exactly what Quetzlsacatanango told u to do and then when u wanta check it in geck make sure its located in your data\meshes\ folder area.



Ok and about datablocks. thats just what all the data in blend files is separated into. its in Blender. material datablocks, geometry datablocs, animation datablocs, etc.

What i mean is that once i saw someone who had 8 materials set for the same object in blender. the 8th material setting was set up mostly right, but the other 7 ones were blank.

That blend was exported and created 8 separate nitristrips blocks in the nif all with the same mesh on em, and only one of those had a texture.


U can set or remove the material on it in the buttons window, edit tab, link and materials panel.

Edited by baduk
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