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Curse of Hircine


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Hi, I have installed, this: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6486, This: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35984, This: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35118 And This: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34924. And I play Oblivion fine except for when I want to become a Werewolf and go find one... I find one, and it is NOT doing the right animation as in running like it should, (It's just running like a regular human) When it should be running like it is an actual werewolf, hunched over and running faster. Ok, anyway even when I let it attack me, I waited about 5 minutes just standing there and letting it try and kill me and it never said that I had contracted "Sanies Lupinus" So yeah.


Anyways, about an hour before it all worked fine until I installed a third person crosshair mod.

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Is there an actual question you wanted to ask, or are you just documenting this?


If it worked before you installed another mod, and now it doesn't, common sense would say that is the logical place to look for conflicts and a resolution.

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You're still being rather unclear about the course of action that took place when the problem occurred. In your first post you say everything was fine until (before) you installed the crosshair mod. Then in your latest post you say the problem occurred after you uninstalled the crosshair mod. So which is it? I'm not sure at this point. Even though you didn't touch the Curse of Hircine directly, it's possible that a resource was shared, overwritten, or deleted, when adding or removing other mods.


My next question(s) is(are); Have you ensured this is not a Load Order issue? (Move the mod to the last position) Also, have you simply tried reinstalling Curse of Hircine to ensure all of the necessary files for the mod are present? That's seems like the logical thing to do here.


Report back with the results and be sure to state exactly what's going on and the process(es) you've taken. You should always Post Your Load Order when you have any issues as well.

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You're still being rather unclear about the course of action that took place when the problem occurred. In your first post you say everything was fine until (before) you installed the crosshair mod. Then in your latest post you say the problem occurred after you uninstalled the crosshair mod. So which is it? I'm not sure at this point. Even though you didn't touch the Curse of Hircine directly, it's possible that a resource was shared, overwritten, or deleted, when adding or removing other mods.


My next question(s) is(are); Have you ensured this is not a Load Order issue? (Move the mod to the last position) Also, have you simply tried reinstalling Curse of Hircine to ensure all of the necessary files for the mod are present? That's seems like the logical thing to do here.


Report back with the results and be sure to state exactly what's going on and the process(es) you've taken. You should always Post Your Load Order when you have any issues as well.



Dank Dark Cave-Final.esp


Beautiful People.esp

Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer.esp

Books of Console v1.esp

CoH Spawn Rates Increased.esp

CurseOfHircine - Symphony of Night.esp


Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp

CoH No Female Model.esp

Crowded Roads 23.esp


And it stopped working when I installed the crosshair mod and then I uninstalled it and the problem was still there. I have reinstalld oblivion and curse of hircine about 3 times each and the problem was still there also, that is the lack of mods in my lad order if anyone was wondering...

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