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Wow. Read this: http://www.imperial-library.info/content/third-era. And read the timeline: 3E 396-3E 397

In the paragraph that starts with: The War of the Bend'r-mahk. In that, it says that 2 forces built 2 seperate walls inside of the city of Dragonstar , splitting it in half, one half in Skyrim, the other, in Hammerfell. So, two questions do you think that the dragonwall, here: http://www.elderscrolls.com/. Is the wall seperating Dragonstar on the Skyrim side? And two: Will they show Dragonstar and the wall?

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Hmm, interesting observation. Your link seems to be broken, but I'd love to look into this more. Incidently did you see my recent extensive post on the dragonwall? Perhaps some of the information from the high resolution image I created could shed light on this and vice versa. I don't remember seeing Dragonstar on the map of Skyrim though... Could this be the city mentioned in the books of King Edward that Akatosh started in Skyrim (in the book they have not settled on a name yet, and Akatosh wants to call it Section 22 for some reason.)
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Simply remove the Punctuation in the link, and it works: http://www.imperial-library.info/content/third-era


I've been thinking and I think that because Skyrim is kind of small compared to Cyrodill and they are doubtless going to push the territorial boundaries with a new engine, that Skyrim will probably be expanded a quarter province in every single direction. So Skyrim of the Nords is in the center/north but we have a bit of Highrock, a bit of Hammerfell, a bit of Cyrodill (at least down to Pale Pass ,or maybe not) and a bit of Morrowind. It wouldn't have to follow the borders of the old provinces, would make the game feel even bigger than it physically is (being able to visit 5 completely different provinces in one game) without them being obligated to include TOO much content. The allows for some more cultural differences than would appear if it is just Skyrim and makes a world as big as they want it to be. We could have Dragonstar, the Dragontail mountains, and so forth, it also gets us around some of the "only" mountains and snow issues everyone is worried about. It's named Skyrim because that's the central and most important part for the plot, plus it's the only province included 100%

My 2 cents.


p.s. this also plays well into my massive 3 way civil war theory.

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