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Unrealistic Oblivion.


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Alright i come here to ask if there's a mod or a set of mods to disable/change a number of things:

1. Leveled Bandits (or atleast their armor)

Because its abit disapointing when you try to Role Play the game and wear nothing stronger then steel or leather etc ( Depending on the Stroy flow you provided your self )

When all your enemies ( even the stupid bandits, marauders and theifs ) have Ebony / Elf / Dwarf / Glass Armors

Also would be amazing to stop them growing at some point, because again, Role Playing Wise its stupid that if your a badass destroyer of worlds and bandits seem to still manage to survive your bigass Imolation Fireball where normally they shouldnt..

2. Change most of the World to wear armor of Steel, Iron, Leather, and very rarly something stronger

But ofcourse not Changing the Armor of Boss Tagged Enemies

3. Make magic harmfull to the caster ( including NPC's ) if certain requierments are not met.

I'm a huge fan of Dragonlance Chronicles / Sword of Truth, and i love how magic is discribed in those worlds

When ever a Wizard / Mage casts a spell he not only uses his iner Power ( which can be called Mana ) but also harm himself or drain out completly ( to the extent where the caster cannot move / falls asleep etc. ) This all depending on the Power of the Caster and the complicity of the Spell a.i. a Simple magic missile the size of an arrow should be of no problem to an experienced Magic User. but a spell to summon a small army of ghostly warriors should make the caster vomit, spit out some blood and generally consider if a smaller fireball would've done the trick :)

Although ofcourse if the Magic User is extermely powerfull even an Army from the Abyss shouldnt trouble him.



I understand that Oblivion is a compeltly diffrent world from DragonLance or Sword of Truth , but the way the game treats Magic and Arcane Powers itself is Laughable and completly in my understanding unbeliveble, Same goes for bandits and other creatures which seem to level with the player but makes it stupid that they wear sometimes better armor then the player who by the game lore might be the Destroyer of the Oblivion Realms, the Archmage of Cyrodiil, the Champion of the Interal Fire, who has come and gone through many worlds to aquier his unique set of Armor, and then there goes a simple banding wearing Ebony Armor and chilling with his 2 friends near camp with NO logical explanation of where when and how did he aquier possibly one of the most rare items in cyrodiil, aswell as his friends..

Edited by Shuraalex
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Try Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul, or if you like a challenge (mostly because of installing it), FCOM. That will cover the first 2 points. I'm not aware of any mods covering the third though.
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I do recall when i was playing the game a year ago i did actually found a mod that did fulfill my 3rd' request, wish someone found it because i failed speding good 4 hours on the Mod Page downloading dozens of other mods which i found pretty good.

I will try the detective thread with the 3rd problem :) thank you for your reply

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