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Non cell related CTDs while running Dragon Captions Sutch Reborn?


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I can not figure out what is wrong when I run DC Sutch Reborn, I get non cell related CTDs as in the game will CTD when I am no where near the sutch cells. They also appear to be occurring in regular intervals from loading the save game. I have never seen this before the game initializes and I load my save game then after about ten minutes I get a CTD, this seems to occur faster if I fast travel where I will get a CTD about 10 seconds after loading the new cell. I have all of the compatibility patches I think and I am running TS's OBMM with BOSS. My load order is attached bellow. The only thing I can think of is either there is a problem with my OOO (ver. 1.333) or my UL patch in not working.


Please any help is appreciated.

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