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Incredibly dumb RAEVWD question


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Okay, feel free to laugh at me for this.


I'm working on a clean reinstall of Oblivion and my 250+ mods (thanks Gecko). I haven't played the game in roughly four months -- long story short, back in September my hard drive crashed two days after I'd finally completed a weeks-long gruelling install-and-configure process of making nearly 300 mods play nicely together, and I just didn't have the heart or the patience to do it ALL OVER AGAIN until now.


Anyway, I'm almost finished and ready to fire everything up and get to playing. My very last install was Really Almost Everything Visible When Distant. My vague memory is telling me that there is a separate program I need to run after installing this mod in order to make the game actually recognize all the VWD objects... but, um. I can't remember the program's name. Blonde moment? Checked the RAEVWD download page hoping it was mentioned, but no luck. It's something that's not a mod, but rather a metamod-type program that essentially looks through your installed mods and hunts out everything that needs to be VWD. RAEVWD has very little effect without it. That's all I can remember.


I'm sure someone knows what I'm talking about. I don't need a link to the prog; I can find it myself. I just need to know what I'm looking for. Commence the laughter now.

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Yes it's TES4LODGen and the RAEVWD ReadMe informs you of this and provides a link. You should always read the documentation provided with the mods you download.







TES4LODGen (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15781) - needed to generate the distant view information.





The archive is provied as a BAIN package, which makes for relatively easy installation without the hassles associated with supporting OMODs.

Manual installation should be fairly straightforward as each folder is named according to what it contains, but read on for the details anyway, ok? :)




No DistandLOD folder is provided. In order to actually see the results of what you just did, you need to download TES4LODGen and run it. It's a wicked simple utility that processes VWD information based on _far.nif files provided and will tailor itself to whatever mods you have installed.



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TES4LODGen! Aha, that's it. Thanks.


For what it's worth, I did read the readme originally when I first downloaded it. Always do. That's how I knew I needed the utility in the first place. Problem was, I also used NiceOne's OMOD installer for RAEVWD. In order to change the files from omod-ready to actual omod, you have to open OBMM, add the two 7z files to a new omod, and create it. You end up with a single omod file, and I didn't keep the two original 7z archives (containing the readme) for space reasons; I've got nearly 400 downloaded mods organized into folders on this drive. I just have the RAEVWD omod I created sitting in its "Install These Last" folder in my mod collection.


When I ran into the trouble yesterday I kinda figured there was a readme, but re-downloading the archives would have taken hours on this connection (and even then I didn't know for certain there was a readme and that it contained the info I needed -- that's a long time to waste on my assumption that there would be). I did check the download page hoping it was in the description, but no luck, and the only options were to start the very long download of files that I already have, and come back after dinner hoping to find that I was right about there being a readme which mentioned the utility I needed... or to post here. So it seemed better to just ask. If that was lazy of me, I truly apologize for it. I did not intend to waste anyone's time. These forums have always provided me with the help I needed, and in return I've always provided other members with any answers I possibly can. It's appreciated.

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