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Simple Nifskope Vertical Translation


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so I'm trying to simply make a small box move up and down in rhythmic fashion (when prompted to animate by a script), simply traversing the Z axis, nothing difficult; or so i thought.


I've been fiddling with various Blocks in Nifskope this eve and had no joy. When I try adding NiKeyframeController according to one tutorial I've stumbled across, the data field is greyed out.


The Block in question currently has a texture transformation added to it. Any ideas?





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I dont know what tut u looked at but for explanation of em and building em from scratch i guess u wanta look on this page.


I toyed around with it for a while but i managed to choose pretty complicated nifs to extract and look at. lol



But I did just see a nice post by ghogiel about making one out of a door!



Anyway whenever i gotta make one im gonna do the door thing for starters. its probly what ur looking for also.

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