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Once again...


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I just thought that my other topic on this was a bit dull, so I wanted to make a new one. Starting fresh!

I downloaded Werewolves: The Curse of Hircine and all its expansions. (Resurrected and all). It all worked fine until I installed a third person crosshair mod, so I uninstalled the crosshair mod, and the problem with curse of hicine was still there, (When the werewolves don't have the right animations). But apart from that, it all works fine.

If you think that it has something to do with my load order then here it is:





Dank Dark Cave-Final.esp


Beautiful People.esp

Books of Console v1.esp

Alternative Start by Robert Evrae.esp

CoH Werewolves Mixed.esp

Crowded Roads 23.esp

CoH Spawn Rates Increased.esp

CurseOfHircine - Symphony of Night.esp


So any help with making the werewolves have the right animation again (slounched over and running on all four "paws") that would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by Oblivionmans
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