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modding request


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It would be wonderful if this feature could be added to DA:O. I believe that NewbyPower might be working on this.


From the "Natural Bodies 1.0" page:


"Oct. 07 2010 : 200k downloads ! Thanks to all af NB users. I hope release the 1.1 version for the almost the 250k, one year after the first NB release. It will include some new features: boucing breats, better deformations, more details, ..."


I hope that he can do this.



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Hey, if NewByPower is able to do this I'll be impressed. (Astounded, actually!)


Since the body model is "of a piece" in DA, animating a part of it that isn't already designated to move in the Eclipse game engine would require writing new code and replacing fundemental instructions.


The "body is the torso-plus-arms to mid-forearm/legs to mid-calf. The "movable points" are at shoulders and elbows, hips, and knees. (The forearms/wrists/hands and calves/ankles/feet are their own seperate elements)


Hat's off if it can be done by a Community Modder! :thumbsup:

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There is a modding request forums. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/308-dragon-age-mod-requests/

There was a request JUST LIKE THIS ONE in it last week. Tho it seems as tho the request was removed. I'm not sure why, but I can guess. Most likely either because of flaming posts on the idea, or from thread bumping posts.

As Thandal stated the body meshes in DAO (this is NOT Oblivion/Morrowind!) aren't built with those kind of animations, and it would be a very, very large undertaking to add them. If a modder is already trying to do so, cool.

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