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Graphics problems, using Windows 7


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What graphics detail are you set to?


Oblivion will usually set a 5xxx card to ultra low.


To fix delete the Oblivion.ini (Exit Oblivion, then try renaming or deleting the oblivion.ini file (...\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini)


Then start Oblivion with Oblivion_Launcher.exe and select "high"

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Until you post a screenshot or two of the issue we're flying blind here. Any reason you haven't done that yet? It would take a matter of minutes to do.


One suggestion I'll make is make sure you have your texture setting on Large under Video Options. Visual anomalies are known to occur under certain conditions when set otherwise.

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I can't take a screenshot when I press alt+PrtScn. I don't know why. The shield I'm carrying just comes up and no screenshot is taken. When I try to paste in 'paint', there's nothing in the clipboard. Edited by Ezekiel81
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Why are you pressing Alt+PrtScrn? It's just PrtScrn.


Be sure you enable screenshots in the Oblivion.ini, located in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion. To do so change the following line from 0 (off) to 1 (on).


Just do a Ctrl+F search and you'll find the line rather easily.

bAllowScreenShot=1  ;  0 = OFF 1 = ON


Did you change your texture size to large? You didn't mention that you even checked or changed it. When asking for help you need to at least make an attempt to follow the advice others try to give you and then report your progress accurately. Otherwise we're, as you can see, still at square one.

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Screenshots are saved to your Oblivion installation folder, where the Data folder is. <drive letter>:\<installation path>\Oblivion. They are saved as .bmp files. Convert to .jpeg if you have trouble uploading due to size restrictions. Or reduce the size via Paint, or some other similar image manipulation tool.
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