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Music transition


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Hi all, i seen this method in another game so i would like to see (listen) that on skyrim too

i am noob at modding at my first attempt i created for mistake vampires, trolls and draugr in the belethor store (lol)


my idea is a music transition

my english is bad but i'll try to explain myself


normally you have separated music tracks with different music so the game will play sequentially for example

track_idle1 , then track_idle2

if in combat, it stop the current playback and will start the track_combat1, .... etc

and there is no transition, these are different musics for different situations


i would like to use the transition for example

i have 3 tracks of the same lenght: 1.47 , the first is ambient calm music, the second is the same base music but with some effects, the third is the same base music but in heavy metal version

so the game should play 3 tracks at a time and with a sort of crossfading switching between the idle(calm) to the combat(action) sequence,


i dont know how to do that, can someone help me? Is it possible in skyrim?

Edited by maxtheduke
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