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Augmented MQ w/ alt choices [idea / looking for team]


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Obviously, one of the main gripes with FO3 is the lackluster main quest. I thought it would be interesting to insert more stages and add choices to it. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel or rebuild the game from the ground up. What I'm talking about are small but interesting additions to the main questline. If you look at my mods, you'll understand what I bring to the table (voicing, light scripting, ideas). I'm a bit directionless at the moment but I think with a good scripter and a decent level designer ( <---- my worst nightmare) we could make the game more enjoyable for old and new players alike.


If you are interested, email me at [email protected].


DISCLAIMER: Keep in mind that this is a free pursuit and the only motivating factors should be fun and enjoyment. I will not work with hard-asses and pretentious gamers. I am a college student and I'm sure most of you have your own tasks at hand. Let's just take small steps towards something good.

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