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There are several Mods i am aware of that bring 17th or 18th century weapons into skyrim. Considering this, And the obvious connection of Skyrim its self to Scandinavia, i figure it would be exciting to see an armor/clothing set based on The Swedish Caroleans and more from that region. Anything from a clothing addition (For Male and Female) to an entire era overhaul sounds inspiring. but due to financial issues and time constraints, i cannot do more than provide ideas.



The least i am looking for is a Clothing or armor mod that is Historically Accurate to the Swedish Caroleans for both male and female players :)


Can anyone do this?


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  • 7 months later...

Ditto. I'd really like a Carolean uniform in Skyrim, although the uniform OP posted actually belonged to Carolus himself, and it is my humble opinion that the Carolean infantryman uniform would suit the situation better.http://orig13.deviantart.net/6fab/f/2012/336/4/e/4e991f9e71abb0416b746c9a174ad42b-d5mtv0x.jpg

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