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How Do I Make Scripts Take Priority?


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Hey guys, I have been tinkering with mods and such for a while and I have a problem that I just cant seem to shake.


I have what appears to be a near ideal set of mods but I have terrible script lag. Thus far the only answer from anyone has been to 'use less script heavy mods' which is not a solution to the problem... As I understand it from all these vague indirect forum posts in the pit of forum hell, the way the system works is actually pretty predictable.


Each time the system goes to make a new frame to put on the screen it has to calculate everything. What scripts are running, what key strokes were used, all the little factors that make up the game. It does this cycle over and over then spits out new frames that make the game seem fluid and natural. What I want to do is take that process and tell it to run scripts first every single time regardless of what else gets delayed. By doing this I can get all the real meat and potato aspects of the game to run as they are supposed to. In the end my FPS would suffer but then I would just dial back the graphics until it was reasonable.


I got a brief education in how the papyrus system works, unfortunately I dont know how to alter its states... I saw all these script modifying posts but I have no idea what all the different values mean or how to enter them into the Skyrim.ini if someone could help me understand how to do this I would be very grateful. Not to mention all the other people who have the same problem.



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You can make minor tweaks to the Papyrus system but it's not likely to fix your problem. The specific INI tweaks to try would be:


If you don't notice any change with those settings then making bigger changes won't help and you should just remove those tweaks.


The biggest thing you can do to improve script performance is to keep your framerate as close to 60 FPS as possible.

If you're seeing any lag when starting a new game you really need to reconsider your choice of mods because the lag will only get worse as you play and more game elements get loaded.

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Hi there, try these:


Skyrim Lag









Skyrim Modding - A Guide For Noobs




Has links to: Skyrim Script Extender [sKSE]



Hope these help.




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Those numbers are milliseconds, and larger values mean longer times. For the musicians out there, it's equivalent to a Delay effect. 1500MS is 1.5 seconds. If you want this to attempt to respond faster, cut it down to 750 (3/4 of a second) and see what happens.


Just be aware that the core game system is the one that has to process that info first, not your CPU or RAM, so if the game system cannot parse that quickly, it's not gonna end well.

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Yes, I should have mentioned that fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=1500.0 will cause a 1.5 second delay at every loading screen instead of the default 0.5 second delay. But that setting is the most likely to fix game lag if the problem is that scripts don't have time to get everything set up correctly as you switch locations.

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I don't think the OP was referring to switching cells so much as frames of the gameplay - is a given actor changing from a walk to a run animation upon detection of the player, is a given leveled spawn marker going to call a bunny, a fox, a wolf, a troll, or a courier, that sort of thing. The majority of the outer world is dynamically loaded anyway, so assets you encounter would have their scripts loaded dynamically as well.

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Those numbers are milliseconds, and larger values mean longer times. For the musicians out there, it's equivalent to a Delay effect. 1500MS is 1.5 seconds. If you want this to attempt to respond faster, cut it down to 750 (3/4 of a second) and see what happens.


Just be aware that the core game system is the one that has to process that info first, not your CPU or RAM, so if the game system cannot parse that quickly, it's not gonna end well.

Uh, I dont think were understanding each other exactly. I dont have a problem with FPS, everything runs perfectly smooth about 90% of the time, its the scripting system that is running too slowly. I have even been in situations where arrows leaving the bow had a good second delay.


In the end I will be mitigating my FPS by lowering the graphics and getting more optimized textures and such to make the game run faster. I just need to get the scripting under control.



The way I see it in my head is like having an assembly line of parts all adding up to a finished whole. At this rate the one line that produces the scripts is running so slowly that not all of the finished wholes have them included. My thought is that if I cant get that one line to move faster I can at least get the entire assembly to slow down enough for it all to happen at the same time.



PS Thanks for that Papyrus note.



Ops, wrong quote xD

Edited by angrybuffalo238
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its the scripting system that is running too slowly. I have even been in situations where arrows leaving the bow had a good second delay.

Arrows leaving the bow have nothing to do with scripting, but it does mean your system's CPU is overwhelmed. Lowering your graphics demand so that you get the highest FPS possible is your best option.

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