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New Werewolf Mod

The Silver Testament

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I've been looking for some realy good Werewolf mods but nothing I realy liked could found. I'm no modder so I made this form for people to submit ideas for a mod. If a

Albe moder reads this and is willing pleas use the ideas on this for to make a good Werewolf mod.

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Actually, it shouldn't be THAT hard. Why don't you learn modding?


There's already released a modders resource wolf-armor (it's school, and it looks like a werewolf).


You only need to write a tiny quest that checks for moonphase/time (depending on which lore you decide to stick to) at around 70-80 lines. :)

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Actually, it shouldn't be THAT hard. Why don't you learn modding?


There's already released a modders resource wolf-armor (it's school, and it looks like a werewolf).


You only need to write a tiny quest that checks for moonphase/time (depending on which lore you decide to stick to) at around 70-80 lines. :)


I've seen the armor and the mod allrady out, but for some reson I just feel that it's not good enough.

I'm not dissing him it's just I think beter can be done. I reidderat: I can't mod. :( For mulataple resons,

(Have to share comp with faimly for one and my life's a bit to busy right now.)

So I'm asking you the experts to make one. I can throw in ideas, and sugestions, but can't do much else. :unsure:


Eavn so I'll take you advice and atempt to leren modding when I have time. :closedeyes:



PS: Sorry about the spelling it's one of my isuse...

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