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Permanent value ?

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Hello modders

I would like to have a stored athletism skill level, that will increase over time (when the Player succeeds at checks. However, this below doesn't work, everytimes, the experience variable seems to not register, and the XPs do not increase.

I created a global variable in game, and linked the script to it, it still doesn't work.

Or maybe there could be an other way to store this experience value ?


Scriptname crom_athletism extends Quest
{This is the basic script for checking and improving running, sprinting and jogging}
globalvariable property FRON_Athletics_experience auto
globalvariable property FRON_Speed_Mult auto

import fron_utility_functions

Event OnInit()
Actor pc = Game.GetPlayer()
Debug.Notification("Crom Skill System - Athletism - Started")


Event OnUpdate()

Actor pc = Game.GetPlayer()
float iPlayersSpeedMult = pc.GetBaseActorValue("SpeedMult")

if (pc.isSprinting())
;Debug.Notification("Player speed mult is "+ iPlayersSpeedMult)


float function FRON_getRunningBonusFromAtleticsLevel()

int skill_bonus = Fron_GetSkillBonus(FRON_Athletics_experience.getValueInt())

if skill_bonus == -3
return 90.0
elseIf skill_bonus == 0
return 100.0
elseIf skill_bonus == 3
return 105.0
elseIf skill_bonus == 6
return 110.0
elseIf skill_bonus == 9
return 115.0
elseIf skill_bonus == 12
return 130.0

function FRON_checkSprinting()

int critical_failure = 5
int failure = 12
int success = 20
int xp_gained

int random = utility.RandomInt(1, :cool:
int tempAthletics = FRON_Athletics_experience.GetValueInt()
int skill_bonus = Fron_GetSkillBonus(FRON_Athletics_experience.GetValueInt())
;int fron_ore_mining_difficulty = ReturnOreTypeDifficulty()

int randomStaminaDamage = utility.RandomInt (5,10)

random *= 2
int total_number_to_check = random + skill_bonus

if total_number_to_check <= critical_failure
;echec critique
xp_gained = utility.RandomInt(1,6)*2

debug.notification("Critical Athletics Failure: + " + xp_gained + " Xps.")
game.getplayer().DamageAV("Stamina", randomStaminaDamage * 3 )

elseif total_number_to_check > critical_failure && total_number_to_check <= failure
xp_gained = utility.RandomInt(1,3)*2
debug.notification("Athletics Failure. + " + xp_gained + " Xps.")
game.getplayer().DamageAV("Stamina", randomStaminaDamage * 2 )
elseif total_number_to_check > failure && total_number_to_check <= success
;réussite simple
xp_gained = utility.RandomInt(1,6)
debug.notification("Athletics Success. + " + xp_gained + " Xps.")
Game.GetPlayer().RestoreActorValue("Stamina", randomStaminaDamage)
;réussite critique
xp_gained = utility.RandomInt(1,3)
debug.notification("Athletics Critical Success. + " + xp_gained + " Xps." )
Game.GetPlayer().RestoreActorValue("Stamina", randomStaminaDamage * 2)

tempAthletics = xp_gained + tempAthletics
string AthleticsSkillName = Fron_GetSkillLevelName(tempAthletics)
int Remaining_XP = Fron_GetRemainingNeededXPUntilNextLevel (tempAthletics)
debug.notification("Your new Athletics experience is " + tempAthletics + " XPs. You are a "+AthleticsSkillName+" Athlets. You need "+Remaining_XP+" XPs until next level.")


Edited by cromcrom
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