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Robot Integration Project


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Hi. Ya know what's one of my favorite aspects of the Fallout world? The robots. And ya know what I want to see? More friendly robots working for people in more locations.


Currently, I've only managed to simulate this by using RobCo Certified to make my friendly robots, then have them wait in certain locations and simply pretend they belong to the people that live there. While it certainly helps at the moment, I'd like a more solid solution in the future.


I'll list some ideas I have, but first, to prove the viability and lore-friendliness of this concept, allow me to list some canon examples:


Vault 101

* Andy: Mr. Handy maintenance robot



* Deputy Weld: Protectron gate guard

* Deputy Steel: Mr. Gutsy armory guard

* Wadsworth: Mr. Handy house butler


Rivet City

* Mr. Buckingham: Vera Weatherly's personal Mr. Handy

* Private Jones: Mr. Gutsy armory guard

* Automated Turret: Hostile companion glitch-causer


Tenpenny Tower

* Shakes: Protectron bartender

* Godfrey: Mr. Handy house butler



* Cerberus: Ghoul-hating Mr. Gutsy guard dog


The Citadel

* Sawbones: Broken Mr. Gutsy medic

* Unnamed Sentry Bot: Sentry Bot gate guard


Mobile Base Crawler

* Hoover: Enclave Mr. Gutsy bodyguard

* Sparky: Enclave Sentry Bot bodyguard



* Outcast Protectrons: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters

* Outcast Robobrains: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters

* Outcast Sentry Bots: Patrolling with Outcast soldiers in random encounters


Okay, my ideas.


Firstly, I just want to name the various robots in Fallout 3 to be clear.


* Enclave Eyebot (Enclave exclusive)

* Mr. Handy

* Protectron: Regular, U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, metro, Nuka-Cola, and factory (The Pitt) skins

* Robobrain: Regular and Outcast skins

* Mr. Gutsy: U.S. Army, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins

* Sentry Bot (minigun): U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins

* Sentry Bot (gatling laser): U.S. Army, Outcast, Enclave, and winterized (Operation: Anchorage) skins

* Automated Turret:

- Ceiling-mounted bullet: Mark I, III, V, VII

- Floor-mounted laser: Mark II, IV, VI, VIII


Okay, finally, my ideas



-Mittens: A Robobrain, Moira's personal project.


Rivet City

-Acolyte Pope: A Robobrain. Father Clifford's replacement acolyte should Diego marry Angela. Before the wedding, Acolyte Pope is just a generic Robobrain lying broken in the trashed room with the filing cabinets.


Tenpenny Tower

-Sir Leopold: A Robobrain. Tenpenny's chess partner.


Canterbury Commons

-No robots. Not plot-friendly.



-Mr. Grey: Karen Schenzy's personal Mr. Handy. She needs a roommate, aye?


Big Town

-No additional robots. Not quest-friendly.



-Tab: Sierra Petrovita's personal Nuka-Cola Protectron guardian. Already a similar mod on the Nexus. <3


Republic of Dave

-Agent Smith: A U.S. Army minigun Sentry Bot that patrols the compound.

-Agent Johnson: A U.S. Army Protectron in Dave's office, his personal secret service.


Paradise Falls

-Probably some automated turrets near the entrace.

-Maybe a Sentry Bot somewhere?

-Possibly a Robobrain named Egghead or Zombie, or something...


Temple of the Union

-Gettysburg: The group's Mr. Gutsy. Might be complicated to make it follow the caravan to the Lincoln Memorial, but I feel it's doable.


Meresti Metro Station

-I'm sure we can put a robot in with a vampire reference name. Like a Mr. Handy, Protectron, or Mr. Gutsy named Lycan, Garlic, Orchid, or Alucard.


Little Lamplight

-Nana: The Protectron nanny, programmed with a multitude of stories and hugs. If the player accepts her offer for a hug, they lose a bit of HP similar to Sawbones's treatment pre-fixing.



-No additional robots. Not lore-friendly.


Fort Independence

-I saw a lot of Outcast-skinned robots out on patrol with the Outcast soldiers, but no robots at their base. Perhaps we can fix that.


The Citadel

-Cookie: Protectron military cook, in charge of keeping the initiates fed. Usually hangs around the courtyard and initiate barracks, and will sell food to the player by mistaking them for an initiate.

-Some Automated Turrets near the gate and along the outside walls.


Galaxy News Radio

-LaShawna: Three Dog's personal Mr. Handy technical assistant.

-Maybe some Protectrons out front. Too crowded inside for them.


DLC areas


Outcast Outpost (Operation: Anchorage)

-Probably some Outcast-skinned robots here and there.


The Pitt (The Pitt)

-Bunny: Robobrain nana for baby Anne.


Point Lookout (Point Lookout)

-No robots. Not lore-friendly.


Mothership Zeta (Mothership Zeta)

-Jeeves: An abducted Mr. Handy to join the other abductees.

Edited by Cyberweasel89
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Hey Cyberweasel.

I like the idea, i think the service of working robots would add a little more life to the daily routine in fo3.

If you run into trouble with placing / editing the robots, feel free to ask me for help. If you want to i can help you with the scripts. Got a lot practice in that field :)



Could brake with a random script, that causes moira to play a repair animation. Shouldn't be that hard to write.


Tenpenny Tower

Due to the small room in the tower i'd suggest a small-scaled Robobrain.


Canterbury Commons & Big Town

Why not add one after the end of the "Superhuman Gambit" quest?


Republic of Dave

Agent Johnson: Oh yes! The presidents man. On this one a stealthboy effect while fighting would be great. Just an idea, that is too loud to ignore.


Temple of the Union

Gettysburg: Not complicated. Easy to make with an AI package that has similar conditions than the other ones of the same group.


Meresti Metro Station

Garlic would be my favourite name.


The Citadel

Oh yes! And sometimes he stands in the kitchen, preparing the meals. I already see the burning ovens :D




Hey, i can't help you with the DLC modifications, but i'd like to help you with the other ones. If you want my help, just send me a message. Don't concern about a late reply of me, i'm on work at the moment and it can take a while to answear.




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