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valid nif, does not display in geck?


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I want to use an activator which is a flag. Ideally, I'd like an animated flag which the player can carry. Looking around the various forums, I found this. It's a package of nif files and dds files by firespark. I extracted one flag nif and dds, and I can display it fine in nifskope. However, when I define an activator object using this model, it only displays as the red diamond. I have attached the nif and its dds files.


Is there something about this nif file which FNV geck doesn't like?

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Its sadly not a valid nif.


What i mean is its valid on oblivion but not on fallout!


I think u can copy the important stuff over into another nif that is set up for fallout tho.


Like how havok having nifs are in fallout using the bsfadenode root. and other stuff there probly is and i dont know about it.


Maybe there is stuff u cant copy over tho. I quicly tried to copy nicontrollermanager to a bsfadenode and it give me nif version error so at least needs some kind of tinkering.


It could be even harder to do than it seems.


Ok So i tinker with it u know. and i get this nigeommorphercontroller all set up in the fallout 3 nif.

But in the nicontrollersequence it has this controlled bloks thingy and u gotta describe the geommorphercontroller.

Since the nif versions are different, different fields are greyed out between them in nifskope. Thats cause nifskope is able to use different types of nif versions.

But when i try to go and describe the controller type is not string offset and i cant type in nigeommorphercontroller. I gotta choose the number for the type. start, end, etc


I mean its interesting and all but I think i should do something more basic and get that to work first cause the nimultitargettransformcontroller on that flag nif has 4 extra targets and the nicontrollersequence has 7 controlled blocks, theres 2 geommorphercontrollers in 2 different places and i dono which one your suppoesed to have or if u need both. I dont even know what all those things are to begin with. Its confusing.


Yes, but at some point i would like to make a twitching body nailed to the wall with spike through head or something fancy like that.

Edited by baduk
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Thank you for investigating. You know an awful lot more about nifskope than I do, so I am sure I will not be able to get this file to work. What I want is a flag which is an activator. There are several flags, such as the legion and great khans flags, in the base game. However, these do not have collision objects so I cannot use them as activators. Would it be easy for you to add reasonable collision objects to the legion flag? Somehow I'd like the player to carry the flag, but that may be too complicated.
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I think its easiest to make a character carry the flag on their back.


If u have em carry it in their hands you could use the weapon animations for it but they would use it as a wepon tho.


Im on a mod that will require animations but i havent gotten to that part yet.


It would look best with custom animation, but you could probly just copy the weapon animation and use it as an idle to carry the flag. But you also have to make the flag move if their hands move, im not sure if their hands move cause i dont use melee weapons much.


I dont know anything about activators or why they need collision.

Collision is easy to make tho with blender, cause its just a super low poly mesh that has the general shape of the object its surrounding.


I was posting on a thread that involved making a collision over here.



I think your supposed to make the collision on only the nif that appears when u throw it on the ground, and when your wearing it u dont want it to have colision. so just make 2 nifs.

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I have put together some bits and pieces, and gotten something working "close enough". In the game, there is an existing flagpole 2H melee weapon, eagleflagpole. I used this. I retextured the nv_legion flag to get a flag the color I want. Even though it doesn't have a collision object, it is okay. I found an object to use as a flagpole base, which does have a collision object (a metal pot, recolored). So the player can "activate" the flag by activating the flagpole base, and then with a script, they can wind up carrying the eagle flag pole. When carried, there is no flag visible. But it is "close enough". Thanks for investigating.
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