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Favorite Mods!


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So, I was looking at my cool mods, and I started wondering what everybody else uses. There are so many mods out there, it can get hard picking through the crap ones to get the good ones. So I made this thread, where you can tell your favorite mods, allowing others to download them.



My personal favorites are: CallSteed + Saddlebags (so useful!); Cheydinhal Petshop v17 (nifty pets); No More Psychic Guards (saves me a LOT of frustration and confusion); Defensive Staves v25 (really cool stuff); Keychain (duh); AND my main mod: Obscuros Oblivion Overhaul, which makes the game a LOT cooler.



Now your turn.

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Heh, sorry Eother. I was still figuring out the best way to move your post into it's own thread.


Personally I made one myself which makes the orcs bigger and bulkier, I can see that somebody had the same idea and made one available to the public.


Then there are the passive wildlife mods.


I also use the Natural Environments mod.


A while back I uploaded a levelling cap for bandits and guards. My bandits don't attack with high level armour. Certain types and warlords have mithril and such, but that's it.


Also having a lot of fun with the actors animations plugin (forget the name) which allows your character to eat, drink from a mug and generally access all the animations that the other NPCs use.

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My favorite mods...

  • Natural Environments
  • A few tweaks (Annoying Messages remover, remove wind, short grass)
  • Some performance enhancing graphical mods (low poly grass, Lo'rises oblivion textures)
  • Cliff's Roleplaying Character
  • Inebriation (get drunk ;) )
  • Living Economy
  • The Unofficial Patch
  • Actors in Charge (The actor animations plugin Stampede mentioned)

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Heh, sorry Eother. I was still figuring out the best way to move your post into it's own thread.


Personally I made one myself which makes the orcs bigger and bulkier, I can see that somebody had the same idea and made one available to the public.


Then there are the passive wildlife mods.


I also use the Natural Environments mod.


A while back I uploaded a levelling cap for bandits and guards. My bandits don't attack with high level armour. Certain types and warlords have mithril and such, but that's it.


Also having a lot of fun with the actors animations plugin (forget the name) which allows your character to eat, drink from a mug and generally access all the animations that the other NPCs use.


No worries, it's fine.


Natural Environments! That's the one I have been trying to remember to get.


Obscuros Oblivion Overhaul also does a levelling cap, which is quite nice. No more rich bandits that have enough loot to stop mugging and retire in style.

My favorite mods...


* Natural Environments

* A few tweaks (Annoying Messages remover, remove wind, short grass)

* Cliff's Roleplaying Character

* Living Economy


Shorter grass! Perfect. I hate how the grass is bigger than my wood elf. :/


I don't know what Cliff's Roleplaying Character is...I'll check it out.


I shall also download Living Economy!


Thanks for the replies, and somebody should REEEEAAAAAALLLLLYYYYYY clean this sub-forum up. There are TONS of posts! :) Nobody can find MY post. And mine, of course, is just the coolest cuz I made it.

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I really love the Shapes and Sizes mod, which doesn't just change the Orcs, it changes everyone - in ways that are more or less logical (bigger Nords, stockyish Imperials, smaller Wood Elves).


Actors in Charge has to be the other favorite right now. Heh heh.

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Guest Tessera

I try not to use too many mods, but here are my favorites. Note, I'm not posting any links (I can't remember them all, anyway), but a simple search on TESSource should help anyone find these mods if they're interested in them...


Appearance Mods:


Eshme's Better Bodies And Clothes - ver. 3.0

(...still the very best female body mod available, period)


Ren's Beauty Pack - FULL

(...because Mystic Elves are drop-dead gorgeous)


KyneTarse Custom Race Fix

(needed for Ren's, above - otherwise, the tutorial won't start and you'll be stuck in the jails)


Elaborate Eyes

(adds dozens of new eye textures for all races except Ren's Mystic Elves)



Gameplay Mods:


No More Psychic Guards

(...because, like, let's get serious here. The dude is 40 miles away when I steal things.)


Unofficial Oblivion Patch

(mostly bug fixes)


Female Adoring Fan

(...because I'd rather be followed around by a gorgeous Dark Elf, instead of that annoying little spud)



Environment Mods:


High-Res LOD Replacements (both near and far)

(...turns the landscape into a more sharply detailed feast for the eyes)


Better Storms And Weather

(...mainly for the enhanced stereo sound effects. Awsome thunderstorms..!)


Real Lava

(...because molten lava shouldn't look like pink Jello)


Sunlit Interiors

(...allows sunlight to enter through windows and light up the rooms like it's supposed to)


Oblivion Book Jackets

(...this isn't a big deal, but it makes all of the books in the game look a lot more realistic and unique)



User Interface Mods:


WZBuilder Customized User Interface

(It's my own setup... a mix of various different elements. Mainly, I made it a LOT smaller.)


Skill Diary

(...automatically keeps track of skill-ups as you play. Very helpful when shooting for those +5 bonuses)


Colored Map Replacement (w/topographical features added)




I use a few other small mods here and there, but nothing too fancy. I try to avoid anything that radically alters the gameplay.

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I try not to use too many mods, but here are my favorites. Note, I'm not posting any links (I can't remember them all, anyway), but a simple search on TESSource should help anyone find these mods if they're interested in them...


Appearance Mods:


Eshme's Better Bodies And Clothes - ver. 3.0

(...still the very best female body mod available, period)


Ren's Beauty Pack - FULL

(...because Mystic Elves are drop-dead gorgeous)


KyneTarse Custom Race Fix

(needed for Ren's, above - otherwise, the tutorial won't start and you'll be stuck in the jails)


Elaborate Eyes

(adds dozens of new eye textures for all races except Ren's Mystic Elves)



Gameplay Mods:


No More Psychic Guards

(...because, like, let's get serious here. The dude is 40 miles away when I steal things.)


Unofficial Oblivion Patch

(mostly bug fixes)


Female Adoring Fan

(...because I'd rather be followed around by a gorgeous Dark Elf, instead of that annoying little spud)



Environment Mods:


High-Res LOD Replacements (both near and far)

(...turns the landscape into a more sharply detailed feast for the eyes)


Better Storms And Weather

(...mainly for the enhanced stereo sound effects. Awsome thunderstorms..!)


Real Lava

(...because molten lava shouldn't look like pink Jello)


Sunlit Interiors

(...allows sunlight to enter through windows and light up the rooms like it's supposed to)


Oblivion Book Jackets

(...this isn't a big deal, but it makes all of the books in the game look a lot more realistic and unique)



User Interface Mods:


WZBuilder Customized User Interface

(It's my own setup... a mix of various different elements. Mainly, I made it a LOT smaller.)


Skill Diary

(...automatically keeps track of skill-ups as you play. Very helpful when shooting for those +5 bonuses)


Colored Map Replacement (w/topographical features added)




I use a few other small mods here and there, but nothing too fancy. I try to avoid anything that radically alters the gameplay.



Wow. I downloaded some of those, they're awesome. Especially the Envrionment mods! Skill diary was also very helpful. Thanks for posting those, they're awesome! :)


Also, Sickle, I'm going to DL that mod now, looks cool. Anybody know about that mod that makes it so racesin the end can have ABOVE 100 attributes for their racial bonuses (like Orcs had a strength cap at 115-ish), or below on some attributes (Orcs aren't smart). It would make it more realistic. I mean, a Wood Elf warrior as strong as an Orc warrior of the same level?!? Dumb. So, I'm looking for that one as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just had to clean out all my mods because too many were conflicting but heres some i have now:


Francescos leveled creatures/items mod, a total must have.

Francescos optional pack, another must have .


^^^^^^^ These ones are what i use instead of MMM or OOO because they conflict with almost every other mod. With francescos you can download lots of other small mods and they won't conflict.


Natural Enviroments, The must have of all time! Make oblivion come to life like never before!


Lock Bash, Very useful when you have an orc with a big hammer :P

BTmod, improves oblivions horrible default menus.

Immersive Interface, Really makes you feel like your in the game.


Cosmetic Compilation, MY FAVOURITE MOD :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: self explanitory why i love it


Slofs goth shop

Slofs horses base

Slofs extra horses modders pack

Slofs better dremora textures


I love slofs mods, they are non conflicting and a must have.


Well those are some of my better mods.. yeah........

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