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I would just love if the horse were like in Red Dead....or Shadow of the Colussus....or Mount&Blade.....god I would just LOVE horseback combat....also I hope theres....you know....PEOPLE IN ROADS....I mean nothing break my imersion like not having any one on the roads and in the wild...I mean are you really the only adventurer?...Theres not like a father who is hunting for his children?...a woman who is lost?.....a merchant?.....a traveling bard?.....I mean it not Fallout (and even there you had the merchants)....there should be normal people outside of the towns...not just bandits
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agreed zaldir. even though it would be beneficial it would break down the realism of the game. and the realism is the backbone of this great game.

And here I thought that it was a real backbone. Ever been to Malacath's realm...? Nasty stuff. But, back to the business at hand.


(sorry, had to)

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They could add something that after awhile you get tired from sprinting and your Fatigue is damaged until you rest or ride on the horse. Feels more realistic that way. I'm pretty sure if I was the Dragonborn I would eventually get tired walking everywhere and would need to take a rest. Another reason would be after beating a Dragon I would need some rest. I heard that the horses got a inventory now where you could stash stuff, (Not sure if it came with horse or you had to but it seperate. It was only a rumor though. That is all that left is the confirmation of mounts then this may be true.) But anyways, just a thought.
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Personally, mounts is not that important to me other than the game mechanic of reaching destinations faster. Since "speed travel" is going to be used in Skyrim, the game mechanic of horses will be a slightly redundant solution. If I got what i wanted, there would be no "speed travel", that would increase the usefulness of the mounts to many players since they would really require a mount.


Indeed it would XD , but im sure that bethesda wont let u down on mounts, whats a tes game without horses, or any medival RPG :P

Are you serious? It was a long time ago, but im almost sure that morrowind did not have mounts, and that is still the best TES game i have played. Im entirely sure that the Baldurs Gate series did not have mounts, and that is the best RPG game i have played. I can name countless of others, but i think one example from each of the categories you mentioned is enough. Horses, or any mount, is thus not required for a game to be good.

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I don't really care about mounts to be honest. I play without fast travel in my game and I still don't use horses. It doesnt bother me a bit to run everywhere. I doubt it would be any different in skyrim. Thinking of it from a role play perspective is kinda cool but I don't usually get THAT into role play.


Only game I play where I use a mount is in wow, but that's only because there are VAST stretches of land that I cross that has absolutely NOTHING for me to encounter or do that is worthwhile. That is never the case in Oblivion....atleast in my game it's not.

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