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So, I spotted this just now...


Take a look about halfway down the "The World" section. It says, "The character's name 'Dovahkiin' is the only pre-determined character trait, the rest is up to you to mold as you progress."


I wonder if this means what I think it means: you can't change your name.


Perhaps Bethesda is going for the "Mass Effect" style of conversation...


Edit: Yep. It seems that way (for the conversations, at any rate). At the bottom of "Gameplay," it talks about conversations, and how they are dynamic as well as able to be interrupted.

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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It could also mean that Dovahkiin is the default player name at character creation, just as Courier is the default name in the Fallout New Vegas character creation. Doesn't necessarily mean that we'll be forced to name our characters Dovahkiin. :thumbsup:
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It could also mean that Dovahkiin is the default player name at character creation, just as Courier is the default name in the Fallout New Vegas character creation. Doesn't necessarily mean that we'll be forced to name our characters Dovahkiin. :thumbsup:


That makes the most sense. After all, your character is not supposed to know he/she is the Dragonborn until later in the game...so why would they already have the title of Dovahkiin?


Beats the heck out of "Bendu Olo." :laugh:

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True. I wasn't trying to state something without proof. I apologize if it came off that way. :unsure:


I am however, looking forward to the better conversations. No more close ups of an Orcs nose, thanks...

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True. I wasn't trying to state something without proof. I apologize if it came off that way. :unsure:


I am however, looking forward to the better conversations. No more close ups of an Orcs nose, thanks...


Well, you never know...you could be right. You might actually have to answer to "Hi, Dovahkiin" for the lifetime of your game. In which case.....


PHOOEY!!!!! :mad:


I, too, am glad there will be no more "in-your-face" moments. :biggrin:


No more awkward convos with a guard's silly expression paused in the background... :tongue:


That always came off strange to me...the whole world stopped while you had to talk to someone. :rolleyes:

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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I'm liking that they're doing what they can as far as the consoles go. It seems like this is more of what Oblivion would have been if they had a little more time to work on it. My brother brought up a good point-we'll have to get the console version (for him) and the PC version for myself so we can play at the same time. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif


I can only imagine what they'll do with the next gen consoles... Hopefully we'll get a better vanilla PC version if they feel that consoles have advanced.

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It could also mean that Dovahkiin is the default player name at character creation, just as Courier is the default name in the Fallout New Vegas character creation. Doesn't necessarily mean that we'll be forced to name our characters Dovahkiin. :thumbsup:

I'd say it's most likely to be used like "the Champion" or "Nerevarine" from previous games - after a certain point in the main quest, people will start calling us by that name.

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The default name is still Bendu Olo.

GameRant have somehow mistaken Dovahkiin for a name, instead of what it really is, a group of people who can consume the soul of a dragon, and use dragonshouts. This just proves that we can not trust in everything that is listed on their list, since they have clearly not been paying attention at all.. :P


For instance:


"Weapon skills have been replaced by perk trees." - This is not true. Perks is an addition to weapons skills. Weapon skills are still in, as "One Handed" & "Two Handed".


"If you land a clean hit on a foe, they will take additional damage over time." - This is quite misleading. What they are talking about, is a perk for axes.

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