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that's the thing. i hope they fixed the problem in oblivion where u kept walking on air, on the sides of mountains until you found an invisible place where u can climb up lol
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so what can we expect at E3? New trailer, new gameplay, both mixed? i sure hope so and lots of new screens, s*** im already excited :D Edited by jancina25
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Someone's somehow gotten hold of the "PlayStation The Official Magazine", and here it is, some awesome new info! :D


I have the magazine, there are:

New Dragon Shouts: "Yol Toor"- Fire breath, "Iiz Slen" - Ice crystals, "Strun Bah Qo" - Lightning Storm. There are two others mentioned, not in the Dragon Language, Slow Time and Whirlwhind Spirit (Move quickly in one direction)



If injured enough, they can't fly

randomly appear

battles are unscripted


Dual weilding:

Weapon and Shield, Weapon and Torch (Yes, Torch as a weapon), Weapon and Weapon, Spell and Weapon, Spell and Spell, Two Handed Weapon


Random Quests:

Were inspired by Fallout 3's random encounters

Didn't like how fake some quests in Oblivion felt, Bethesda wants to make it feel mor real with these



13 different types of ore



60,000 line of recorded dialogue, more voice actors


The Game World:

Each city has a unique economy, which the player can sabatoge

Guards no longer as powerful as they could end up being as Oblivion

9 seperate bounties, one for each hold, wanted criminal in one place; "Who's that" in another. :celebration:



Horses - More detailed then Oblivion, actually handle like horses

Fast Travel - Oblivion and Morrowind style



Hand to Hand has been removed



Three confirmed so far: Thieves' Guild, College of Winterhold (Mage) and Compainions (Warrior), their storylines are no longer unaware of other events in the world.

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60,000 lines of dialogue? Is it just me, or does that seem like a lot? :tongue:


I want this game so badly... :biggrin:


Awesome new info! Thanks!

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No you can't dual-wield two handed weapons, that would be overpowered.I don't know about the hand-to-hand skill, I know there 18 skills in Skyrim, so I wonder what replaced hand-to-hand?


9 seperate bounties, one for each hold, wanted criminal in one place; "Who's that" in another


Whooooooo! :dance:


As for the traveling I already knew about that, the horse carriage isn't supposed to replace the "point-and-click" fast travel of Oblivion, it's supposed to work with it.I read in that same interview that although you have point and click travel, you start out without having any of the areas unlocked first, so they have a horse carriage to get you to places that you haven't unlocked yet.I forget where that interview is, but I'm pretty sure it's under Zaldiir's sources.

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Hand to Hand has been removed






Well, shucks! And here I was, all ready to make my (preferred) monk character!






Holy crap! Skyrim and ME3 coverage before E3? I think my head just exploded! :happy:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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