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That is utterly amazing. The fluidity of it all is astounding.


The dragons are simply epic. There is no other word for it. :biggrin:

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I had to pause the E3 Skyrim 5 Minutes demo. It turns out that the city with the Woman PC is Whiterun. As it was the Whiterun guards fighting the Dragon. So Whiterun Definitely.
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ggghggghgggaaaaaAHHHH!!!!!!!! holy s***, gieffff!!

Seriously that just looked beuitiful, and the water running through caves.. oh my.. imagine now theres gonna be so many more diffrent types of dungeons aswell and its gonna be a new adventure everytime u go somewhare since its mostly handmade everything. =D I simply cant wait..

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By the way open dungeons confirmed. In other words only thing that will take a loading screen is the 5 cities and houses. I think houses that is. They haven't said anything about the houses. I really love that the fort is open-world though.
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By the way open dungeons confirmed. In other words only thing that will take a loading screen is the 5 cities and houses. I think houses that is. They haven't said anything about the houses. I really love that the fort is open-world though.

Where's the source at?And I don't think that fort in the video was a dungeon, I think it was just a watchtower-type of thing.

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Not the best resolution but here is the Demo from E3 that aired today. I am blown away by how smooth and fluid the animations look. Bethesda has always been known for wonky animations and goofy looking characters but I am thoroughly impressed. The characters seem believable in their actions and the combat animations have real gusto behind them like you are actually trying to kill each other as oppose to Oblivion where they look like children play sword fighting with sticks. I am also extremely impressed by the Dragon animations and the way they behave to the different magic effects like the thunderstorm the player conjured.


All in all the graphics, animations, combat, magic, etc. looks absolutely superb and the game is 300+ hours. If Skyrim recaptures that exploration and sense of wonderment Morrowind had I dare say I may have to take off my nostalgia goggles and say Skyrim is the best Elder Scrolls to date. We really won't know till we get it installed on our PC and dive in to know for sure but I have high hopes in Bethesda now.

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