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Vampires and Werewolves would be epic if they can get it in. Beth showed us we have horse riding now so maybe they will get that vamps too.
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No wait, you can hear the dragon speaking his shout if you listen closely to the part where he breathes fire on Dovahkin and the guard he's about to chomp down on, right before the guards says "Come on, you monster!", it sounds like "Foosh Raah!" or something like that but it's hard to understand what exactly the words are.
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I doubt that they will allow the player character (as a vampire) to do all the kewl stuff that Skyrim vampires can do. That might be too hard to implement. Instead, they might say something like "You aren't a pure born vampire so you don't get all the kewl powers".


Still, would be sweet if you can do all that stuff

Edited by TheReverendTholomewPlague
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God its so gonna be epic when we are gonna speak with some dragons. When you get that summon dragon shout nobody will use conjuration anymore :D

I doubt it would be that overpowered, if it is it would probably have a long cooldown with it.

Edited by Corakus
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Hm yeah probably <.<, one thing i was thinkin how good customization can actually be? we know that we can have beards, warpaints, and scars, but how much detailed? if i wanna have a long gandalf like beard can i? somebody shoulded asked todd that <.<
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I doubt that the player can become a Skyrim vampire, because if I remember correctly, the lore says that vampires who live in Cyrodiil were known for being cunning and deceptive, and for being able to blend in perfectly with the townsfolk and easily live among them. That's why the player was able to play as one. The Skyrim vampires, on the other hand, sound more like feral beasts who hide under lakes instead of live in houses. Which may be fun for a while, but I have a feeling it would lose its novelty pretty fast.


I'm guessing they'll implement vampires in Skyrim just like they did in Oblivion--meaning that the player can become a Cyrodiil vampire, but not a Skyrim one. It wouldn't surprise me if they add Skyrim vampires as NPCs though, because they sound like terrifying creatures that would be really fun to encounter.

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@ KradenEPC


That doesn't seem to make sense to me, what's them being monstrous or feral have to do with being able to change into them?As I recall you could be a werewolf in Bloodmoon.And just because most of them live under lakes and supposedly reach through ice doesn't necessarily mean that they would do either of those in Skyrim.Bethesda doesn't always closely follow their lore when designing games, the vampires could just be pale, frosty vampires that tend to live in icy caves and have some frost-themed lesser powers to use against their enemies.Though I would prefer to have more Cyrodiil-type vampires, since they can actually interact with NPCs and whatnot.

Edited by Corakus
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Man... being a Vampire in Morrowind was absolutely brutal... everyone hated you (with the exception of the Mages Guild and House Telvanni).


And if you saw a sunrise, well... that's the thing; you wouldn't see the sunrise - you would be dead before you could say, "Ack!" :ohdear:


Maybe Bethesda is going back to the Morrowind style of Vampires; it would certainly give the player a challenge, that's for bloody sure...

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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