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Wow you guys are rich. Or have jobs. I got my first xbox in 2006 and that got RRoD the day I got Cod 4. They sent me a "new" one back in 2008 so my current one is atleast 3 yrs old but is barely keeping up. I might not even buy Skyrim if Gamestop won't let me return it in the event that my box stops working altogether.
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Wow you guys are rich. Or have jobs. I got my first xbox in 2006 and that got RRoD the day I got Cod 4. They sent me a "new" one back in 2008 so my current one is atleast 3 yrs old but is barely keeping up. I might not even buy Skyrim if Gamestop won't let me return it in the event that my box stops working altogether.


I'm in school with one job but I did some saving up so I was lucky to have the money to blow ;) and ahhhh that sucks. I was in the same boat as you man, once I found out Skyrim was coming out I sold my xbox 360 and all my games and bought the new ps3 just because I feared that my xbox was going to die haha!

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Wow you guys are rich. Or have jobs. I got my first xbox in 2006 and that got RRoD the day I got Cod 4. They sent me a "new" one back in 2008 so my current one is atleast 3 yrs old but is barely keeping up. I might not even buy Skyrim if Gamestop won't let me return it in the event that my box stops working altogether.


Wouldn't consider myself rich. I mean yes I had 3 360's 4 PS3's 4 DS's (3 got stolen at school, well I'm not there anymore.) 4 IPods 2 Computer current one is $1500 last one was $800. I'm not rich I just have different parts of my family that will give me stuff. My Granny is 76 and she is still working at Meijer. It is just how my Family is. Most of that stuff I got for Birthdays stuff anyway. And I got $2,000 for my graduation. But as I said I'm not rich it is just the people you are with you know? (I'm not saying this to rub it in anyone's face.)

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Yeah I see what you mean but I don't have any of that haha. I'm just hoping I get a buttload of financial aid and scholarships and grants next year to have some pocket money. I rarely buy games cuz I don't have money. Nowadays I have to be selective in buying games, as I don't wanna blow 60$ on a game I'll play for only 5 hours. IMO 60$ for a game is pretty ridiculous. There is no reason for a game to make 1 billion$ (mw2). Most of the money doesn't even go to the makers. Kinda like music purchases.
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Yeah I see what you mean but I don't have any of that haha. I'm just hoping I get a buttload of financial aid and scholarships and grants next year to have some pocket money. I rarely buy games cuz I don't have money. Nowadays I have to be selective in buying games, as I don't wanna blow 60$ on a game I'll play for only 5 hours. IMO 60$ for a game is pretty ridiculous. There is no reason for a game to make 1 billion$ (mw2). Most of the money doesn't even go to the makers. Kinda like music purchases.


Todd Howard agrees with you. So do I. If I remember he said it should be around $20 to $40. Did anyone read that? I think it was on the PSM.


Here it is:


“I’ve thought for a long time that games are too expensive. I don’t put us in that category of course – for what we give you, for sixty bucks or however many ‘quid’ it is. That’s a lot of money for entertainment, so I think the good news is that in certain markets- PC, iPhone, mobile – we can see prices coming down. But I do think industry-wide we would benefit from more games out at $19 or $29. I would try more games. Because I’m not going to try a game for $60. It’s a tough decision. That’s why people read reviews and previews, because it’s not only a money decision, it’s a time-investment decision. It’s not like going to a movie.” – Bethesda’s Todd Howard to PSM3 on why not all games should cost $60.

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Yeah I see what you mean but I don't have any of that haha. I'm just hoping I get a buttload of financial aid and scholarships and grants next year to have some pocket money. I rarely buy games cuz I don't have money. Nowadays I have to be selective in buying games, as I don't wanna blow 60$ on a game I'll play for only 5 hours. IMO 60$ for a game is pretty ridiculous. There is no reason for a game to make 1 billion$ (mw2). Most of the money doesn't even go to the makers. Kinda like music purchases.


Todd Howard agrees with you. So do I. If I remember he said it should be around $20 to $40. Did anyone read that? I think it was on the PSM.


Here it is:


“I’ve thought for a long time that games are too expensive. I don’t put us in that category of course – for what we give you, for sixty bucks or however many ‘quid’ it is. That’s a lot of money for entertainment, so I think the good news is that in certain markets- PC, iPhone, mobile – we can see prices coming down. But I do think industry-wide we would benefit from more games out at $19 or $29. I would try more games. Because I’m not going to try a game for $60. It’s a tough decision. That’s why people read reviews and previews, because it’s not only a money decision, it’s a time-investment decision. It’s not like going to a movie.” – Bethesda’s Todd Howard to PSM3 on why not all games should cost $60.

If new games were 20$, I would go out right now and buy 5 of them. Todd is soo right though. Most people only buy games with near perfect reviews, or gales that are popular, usually for that reason. It forces any company that strives to be successful to make perfect games, every time. Which is absurd. I don't needultra realistic graphics to enjoy a game. But shitty graphics usually brings down the rating, which in turn turns me away from a game I probably wouldve enjoyed. If you have heard or played Cel Damage on the Gamecube, you know what I mean. But I'm afraid that money rules supreme once again. Does anyone know the budget for mw2? I want to find out if the profit margin was in the thousands of percent.

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I'm a little worried about skyrim .. I dont know if its going to make the sales they want it to .. its still gonna be my personal GOTY but theres a lot of other games out there that are waaay more popular and coming out within the same time frame .. BatmanAC, Assassins Creed R, BF3,MW3,SR3,Rage,DarkSouls,Uncharted3.. I mean .. we all know this but I think as elder scrolls fans we dont really look at it ..ma lot these games are much more popular and could combined completely blow TESV chances at going down in the books as an undisputed goty title like oblivion and f3 were .. and I know its just a title and in the long run it will easily outsells the other games.. but it still helps them as a franchise to have records like that and I think a lot of us are expecting it.
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Yeah I see what you mean but I don't have any of that haha. I'm just hoping I get a buttload of financial aid and scholarships and grants next year to have some pocket money. I rarely buy games cuz I don't have money. Nowadays I have to be selective in buying games, as I don't wanna blow 60$ on a game I'll play for only 5 hours. IMO 60$ for a game is pretty ridiculous. There is no reason for a game to make 1 billion$ (mw2). Most of the money doesn't even go to the makers. Kinda like music purchases.


Todd Howard agrees with you. So do I. If I remember he said it should be around $20 to $40. Did anyone read that? I think it was on the PSM.


Here it is:


“I’ve thought for a long time that games are too expensive. I don’t put us in that category of course – for what we give you, for sixty bucks or however many ‘quid’ it is. That’s a lot of money for entertainment, so I think the good news is that in certain markets- PC, iPhone, mobile – we can see prices coming down. But I do think industry-wide we would benefit from more games out at $19 or $29. I would try more games. Because I’m not going to try a game for $60. It’s a tough decision. That’s why people read reviews and previews, because it’s not only a money decision, it’s a time-investment decision. It’s not like going to a movie.” – Bethesda’s Todd Howard to PSM3 on why not all games should cost $60.

If new games were 20$, I would go out right now and buy 5 of them. Todd is soo right though. Most people only buy games with near perfect reviews, or gales that are popular, usually for that reason. It forces any company that strives to be successful to make perfect games, every time. Which is absurd. I don't needultra realistic graphics to enjoy a game. But shitty graphics usually brings down the rating, which in turn turns me away from a game I probably wouldve enjoyed. If you have heard or played Cel Damage on the Gamecube, you know what I mean. But I'm afraid that money rules supreme once again. Does anyone know the budget for mw2? I want to find out if the profit margin was in the thousands of percent.



Yeah it's unreal the pricing system here in Australia. Sometimes $120 AUD for new 360 games. I built my computer to save me money on purchases in the long run. $35 AUD for Deus Ex Human Revolution STEAM key, and $49 for Witcher 2.


I'm sure Skyrim will sell hundreds of thousands of more copies than either Oblivion or Morrowind. The market has definitely opened up for Bethesda, and the amount of hype around Skyrim is getting insane!


I'll probably be using my Xbox controller for Skyrim on the PC depending on how easy the inventory system is to navigate.

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