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I´m actually expecting hardcore mode for skyrim although no word of it came out.Why do we have a cook feature if we don´t need to eat?
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There is a cook feature? Cool cool I can't wait I already bought 2 copies one for xbox and one for pc so when the wife is doing home work I can play the xbox and when she is watching Netflix I can play on the pc blacksmithing enchanting alchemy and now cooking I hope they put in fishing that would be fun. It would be cool also if they make an option for realtime in stead of time hauling but
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Pity that I read (I believe it was in the latest news section on tesnexus.com) that there may be spatial puzzles in the game. :down:


Hates them, preciousss. No shoving blocks and tiles and things around, thank you. Give us enemies to fight or riddles, though not necessarily what has it got in its' pocketses...

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Ha ha that is good. But I like the idea of puzzles as long as they are not like portal puzzles. Kind of a break from all the killing for one day and relaxes the muscles, using those brain muscles you know.
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Ha ha that is good. But I like the idea of puzzles as long as they are not like portal puzzles. Kind of a break from all the killing for one day and relaxes the muscles, using those brain muscles you know.

lol, I was just thinking "Wow, puzzles like Portal?!" I get what you mean though, they should probably be more... adventure based? It's hard to explain, I guess just less "solve this puzzle just because" and more like "Solve this puzzle to be proven worthy enough to pass"


I would love to see a specific dungeon type meant for puzzles. Like how you could almost always expect undead in Aylied ruins. But then they'd really have to make a lot of puzzles, because redoing the same puzzle twice isn't all that satisfying.

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