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If injured enough, they can't fly

randomly appear

battles are unscripted


I was happy to hear about this. I was worried the dragon battles would be excruciating until the last hitpoint was depleted. Good to see they will physically be altered.


The Game World:

Each city has a unique economy, which the player can sabatoge

Guards no longer as powerful as they could end up being as Oblivion

9 seperate bounties, one for each hold, wanted criminal in one place; "Who's that" in another. :celebration:


HA! Oh lord. This.... just, this.



Hand to Hand has been removed


Never used it, but don't see a reason for it to be gone either.



Three confirmed so far: Thieves' Guild, College of Winterhold (Mage) and Compainions (Warrior), their storylines are no longer unaware of other events in the world.


Always found it awkward that the most trivial things in a guild would be the mainstay of the entire quest line, while there was an Oblivion Gate just outside the city.

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Well, The Witcher 2 offered several days of genuine distraction but now thanks to everyone posting here particularly in recent days, I'm back to a state of discontentment with my range of games, as I await patiently for the apparent splendor of Skyrim. Well, it is winter now here so perhaps with my education out of the way I could try Hibernation for the next few months.
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I don't how I could have possibly missed that guys, but there were random encounters in Fallout 3?


They would vary. The easiest places to see it, were right in front of the Super Duper Market, and at the Alaska Memorial. In front of the market, I have seen a traveling merchant, hunters, talon company, and raiders (not all at once). In front of the Alaska memorial, I've seen hunters and talon company. I have also been attacked by Megaton Survivors when I played my evil character.

Edited by amullinix
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The Game World:

Each city has a unique economy, which the player can sabatoge

Guards no longer as powerful as they could end up being as Oblivion

9 seperate bounties, one for each hold, wanted criminal in one place; "Who's that" in another. :celebration:


Finally! It is so immersion breaking in the previous games that when you commit a crime somewhere, everybody in the whole province knows it the very moment.



Hand to Hand has been removed

Does this mean you can't use your hands as weapons? ...and if so, WHY? And what do you do if your weapon breaks during the battle?



Three confirmed so far: Thieves' Guild, College of Winterhold (Mage) and Compainions (Warrior), their storylines are no longer unaware of other events in the world.

It's good to hear that they no longer live in their own little worlds. Maybe they shouldn't spend so much time in their guild houses. Seriously, most of them never go out :P

I wonder if the two new guilds are in the game. The Guild of Whispers and... the other one.

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Has Anyone else noticed the water rendering over the top of the grass in the bottom right of this screen? http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2011/04/Skyrim_April2011_RuinedFort.jpg

Is this just a small bug when this screen was taken, or has Bethesda been........ Photoshoping their screens *tut tut* :ohmy:


Actualy, when you think about it why the hell is there a cold snowy area right next to a dry dead area. Is this Screenshot even a real place in game? or two merged together. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

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Has Anyone else noticed the water rendering over the top of the grass in the bottom right of this screen?

Is this just a small bug when this screen was taken, or has Bethesda been........ Photoshoping their screens *tut tut* :ohmy:


Actualy, when you think about it why the hell is there a cold snowy area right next to a dry dead area. Is this Screenshot even a real place in game? or two merged together. :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:

That's odd, I've never notice that before in that picture.But I'm pretty sure it's some sort of a bug, either one in the game or one that happened when the screen was taken.But why wouldn't there be a snowy area next to a dry dead area?It's not easy for things to grow in constant winter.

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The skill hand to hand was removed but doesn´t mean we can´t fight without weapons does it?
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But why wouldn't there be a snowy area next to a dry dead area?It's not easy for things to grow in constant winter


What I mean is there is a area covered in snow, and there is a log within less than 10 meters of that area, and it dosnt have a single speck of snow on it.


Also the grass on the otherside of the water looks slightly transparent, which makes it look like some one has used a soft eraser tool to soften the border between 2 scenes in photo shop.

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