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Hmm have you seen this tech demo from G4tech tv, great channel by the wayhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif





A complete gameplay and world footage.


I say all your questions will be answered http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


everything is hand drawn coool

Edited by Thor.
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I read that article and found another thing that made me a little worried. It is about the thief quest and the thief stuck in the spider web.


A likely story, I think, but no matter what dialog path I choose, it always seems to end with me cutting him loose

I remember reacting to this during the g4tv demo also. At 7:50, Todd cuts lose the thief from the spider web and the interviewer ask if one had other options than to simply free him. Todd completly dodges the question by simply narating what is happening right now, that the thief "took off and gets his".

I really hope that bethesda dont forget about actual roleplay amongst all their streamlining, redesigned level scaling, unscripted-scripted dragons and xbox optimizing. For me, the fantasy world "fluff" is enjoyable, but what i really like is the difficult choices, with a real effect on the world. In a RPG, knowing that the trapped theif had the item you were looking for, there should be several options for proceeding, through either dialogue or actions. Some that come to mind are:


Kill him and take the item

Taking it from him and leave him there

Through dialogue choosing to believe him and let him go and get the item afterwards

Convincing him to give the item to you first and in return release him afterwards (lie or truth)


I understand that this is still pre-alpha, but still, it concerns me that every option (even attacking him while in the web) results in freeing him and then having to chase him down and kill him.

Edited by Necris
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You know, I am curious as to how that pathing spell works, that shows you your quest objective. It may not be the best idea gameplay-wise, but I'm interested in the mechanics behind it.


probably be somthing like the way the fable trail works, at least that's what I thought of when I saw it:


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yes because we have a lot of good questions and not enough good answers.. character customization, mounted combat, path finding spells, in-depth options and consequences to the dialogue.
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yes because we have a lot of good questions and not enough good answers.. character customization, mounted combat, path finding spells, in-depth options and consequences to the dialogue.

It has already been confirmed that mounted combat will not make an appearance in the game. Unless they're just yanking our chains.

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