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Do you guys hate me for buying this game for Xbox 360? Apparently its only okay to buy this game if youre gonna play it on a PC, but i dont have $700 to upgrade my crappy single core computer. All this hate is making me feel sad :(


Huh? I doubt that anyone would hateyou for that. But considering that this is (primary) a modding site, and skyrim is part of a series with a VERY strong modding community. Most are going to get even this game on PC so they can mod it.


Oblivion with and without mods are pretty much 2 completely different games.


If you ever hear any hate against consoles it is likely directed to the trend among developers to "streamline" games (read: dumb down) by focusing on the consoles first and foremost.


The most recent example would be dragon age 2. But even most console players didn't like it.

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I still don't understand what the fuss about streamlining is. Isn't it a good thing to have organized menus instead of a messy one? I for one hated scrolling all the way down to use a repair hammer or what not. It was just a waste of time. Or is my definition of streamlining wrong?
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Do you guys hate me for buying this game for Xbox 360? Apparently its only okay to buy this game if youre gonna play it on a PC, but i dont have $700 to upgrade my crappy single core computer. All this hate is making me feel sad :(


Huh? I doubt that anyone would hateyou for that. But considering that this is (primary) a modding site, and skyrim is part of a series with a VERY strong modding community. Most are going to get even this game on PC so they can mod it.


Oblivion with and without mods are pretty much 2 completely different games.


If you ever hear any hate against consoles it is likely directed to the trend among developers to "streamline" games (read: dumb down) by focusing on the consoles first and foremost.


The most recent example would be dragon age 2. But even most console players didn't like it.


We don't hate you! If anything you have our pity for all the modded content you'll be missing... I only had Morrowind for console and it was fine though. Oblivion imo needed a lot more mods to make it work well. I think with Skyrim you'll still get good value playing the vanilla.

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Moja, I remember reading somewhere about Howard wanting to make popular mods available through DLC, for free hopefully. Has there been any success to that? Maybe an interview I missed where he confirms that it will happen?


I don't think that it has yet been confirmed that it will happen. Only that it is technically possible, and that they are trying to get green light from the responsible for xbox and ps3. Aside from that, they have also yet to decide exactly how they should introduce it (some mods introduce custom content with higher polycounts and resolution than any of the vanilla items(ok if you have the computer to handle it, consles? Not as good). Some mods are incompitable with eachother)


Oh, and no one is saying streamlining games is really bad, but developers tend to have trouble to see the difference between that and just "dumbing down".


If I once again use the dragon age series as example: removing useless spells might be seen as good streamlining. However removing companions ability to change armor (which makes 90% of the loot you find useless) is just dumbing it down.

Edited by amycus
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Oh okay I get it. Thanks Moja. One last thing. How is someone supposed to fight a flying dragon? I get how spells or arrows will hit it, but what if you are strictly a melee character? What would you do then? I've never played a dragon game before and all the trailers don't really show how one would fell the flying beast.
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As for mods via DLC, that really depends on Microsoft/Sony, not on Bethesda. It might happen eventually but I wouldn't count on it for any time this year, and likely not even before the next gen consoles are launched.


As for sreamlining...

An example of good streamlining is removing explicit classes in Skyrim in favor of free-form leveling through the skills you actually use.

An example of potentially bad streamlining is replacing 8 attributes with 3 if there's no way for the player to customize the variables originally controlled by attributes: the difference between max magicka and magicka regen, for instance. Maybe it's controlled by a perk or some cumulative count of your skill levels or whatever, but it removes the player another degree from personal custimization, which is bad.


For flying dragons, you can use dragon shouts to take it down

Edited by Moja
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