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He looks like a dwemer.The reversed dagger looks quite nice, I allways wished I could use daggers that way in oblivion.The armour textures don´t like much, I´ve seen better armours in oblivion.But then again that´s a XBOX screenshot I assume so. Edited by scot
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They look Daedric to me. Classic wicked shape, red coloring....yep. Probably Daedric.


The characters are so much more expressive. It's awesome!

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Here it is the in-game screenshot of a Dunmer thief from the official Elder Scrolls facebook page, as requested by the majority of people...




Gah. You beat me to it!


You're lucky I had to leave when I did... :P


Take a look at the Aurora Borealis in the background; also, does Masser (the giant moon) look different to anyone? It looks more... defined...

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Well, it's kind of hard to tell, cause if you look closely, that's actually more Aurora's covering up the moon


Also, honestley, this is the first screenshot I've seen that has actually made me feel like that Skyrim is a game being developed by the same guys that made Morrowind.

Edited by jhardingame
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That sky looks awesome, it's kind of looks like Masser is causing an aurora!


And I usually play as a Dunmer so this makes waiting even harder, with the exception of 'Father Bunley', maniacal Breton Friar with a six pack and psychotic grin that terrorised the lands of Cyrodil...




Next to see is Argonians! CMON!

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Wait a minute... is it just me, or does the Dunmer's eyes look... brown? :huh:


What happened to the red? It looks almost like a rust color.


(I know, I know... his eyes are squinted, but you should still be able to tell if they are red or not.)

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You may be able to choose from different shades of red for Dunmer. Remember Morrowind? They had eye colors ranging from almost purple to orange.
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