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I bet that on 2 years after I enjoy playing Skyrim, I will start to remember how the first gameplay video went out... How the curiosity got bigger and bigger...

And then, probably, I'll take on new hopes that a new Elder Scrolls will be launched. ^^

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I snagged post 3,000. nah nah na naaa naaa.


I can't even begin to explain how much fail that post was full of. HAHAHAA!


Also anyone seen this? Quite funny :)



Gets better every time I watch it. ;)


What's ironic about your post is that you insulted a moderator. :ermm:


Anyway, thank you @Mhomolite for those pictures you provided. Can't wait to play as an Argonian after I'm done with the Nords. :sweat:

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I snagged post 3,000. nah nah na naaa naaa.


Those races look purty awesome.


Now we just need a pic of the vampire...but I'll bet they won't show that one until game releases.

Oh, Lon, poor Lon... post 2,999, I feel sorry for you man! ;D


But you have a good point, now we need a pic of the vampire.

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I have no idea why I didn't join here earlier; I've been lurking multiple times a day every day for aaaaaaaages. And I completely agree with those commenting on how much more badass the Khajiits look and whatnot - I never took them seriously as a race in Oblivion. (Took them a bit more seriously in Morrowind.) At this point, I'm certain I will be using pretty much every single race upon the games release. As for all the thank you's - don't mention it. It was only a matter of time before you guys found them too, I just wanted a reason to join hahaha :thumbsup:


EDIT: ASHDKLASD BUT SERIOUSLY all the races look fantastic. I literally couldn't be more satisfied with the way Argonians and Khajiits turned out. The concept of what a khajiit essentially is has been crafted so well here. They always struck me as moronic doorknobs with furballs for a face in Oblivion, but this rendering of them capture them much, much better. You can tell just by the ferocity of their appearances here that they will most likely take on a much more serious tone overall as a race.

Edited by Mhonolithe
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Does anyone know if there will be a bank type building where you could put your money in and maybe rob other peoples money?

I really doubt it. Think it would ruin the flow of the game too. Just rush in steal all the monies and not bother to quests or looting dungeons. Edited by SHIROryuu
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